the refurbishment of the existing dwelling including the removal of the existing 2no. dormer windows and 2no. rooflights on the west elevation and the construction of 3no. dormer windows. Former works include additional rooflights to the rear, externally insulating the building, removal of the existing boiler house, removal of the existing chimneys to the rear and alterations to the existing windows and doors on all elevations along with all other associated ancillary site development works
the refurbishment of the existing dwelling including the removal of the existing 2no. dormer windows and 2no. rooflights on the west elevation and the construction of 3no. dormer windows. Former works include additional rooflights to the rear, externally insulating the building, removal of the existing boiler house, removal of the existing chimneys to the rear and alterations to the existing windows and doors on all elevations along with all other associated ancillary site development works
the refurbishment of our existing single storey rofab residence, this work will include the conversion of the existing attic space to provide a playroom, study and toilet with four new dormer windows to the front elevation. The construction of a new 85 sqm single storey extension to the rear to provide a new kitchen / dining, family room and bedroom with ensuite
a new 3 bedroom single storey detached dwelling within the rear garden of the existing house. A new connection to the mains wastewater system, a new soakaway for the existing house and a new soakaway for the proposed house. Alterations to existing site entrance and front boundary hedge. Formalising of existing vehicle access along the side of the existing house to form new access driveway. New vehicle parking. Demolition of two existing sheds. All associated landscaping, boundary treatments, drainage, ancillary site works and services
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application