the change of use for a temporary period of 4 years of 6 no. of the 22 no. courtyard dwellings (referred to as Hunters Yard) permitted under Reg Ref DA/802774 (as extended by Reg Ref RA/180960) from residential to ancillary hotel accommodation facilitating short term lettings in the form of 24 no. bedrooms (6 no. keys) in 6 no. 2 storey 4 bedroom units. To accommodate this temporary change of use, the following modifications are also required:- Amendments for all 6 no. units include: The replacement of permitted kitchen to facilitate 1 no. accessible double bedroom with ensuite and inclusion of a small kitchenette facitity in the permitted study's, Solar Panels omitted, Chimneys omitted, Corner Lightbox/Lanterns omitted,
Amendments for 4 no. units (House Type HYI, HYIH and HY3, HY3H) include: Omission of internal door, a Balcony column support added, Suite 1 walk in wardrobe replaces with ensuite bathroom, Walk in wardrobe with ensuite included for Suite 2 , Total 12 no. car parking spaces to be provided. Selected stone cladding removed from upper storey of House Type HYI, HYIH and HY3, HY3H, A minor change of Finished Floor Levels on site. The development also includes all associated landscape and site development works. There is no change to the building footprint or house design to those units permitted under Reg. Ref. DA/802774 (as extended by Reg Ref RA/180960). The design is in keeping with all other residential units proposed within the Killeen Castle Demesne. The vehicular access is as otherwise permitted via the existing internal road network and entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne
Development Address:
Killeen Castle Demesne (a protected structure), Dunsany, Co Meath
Architect Name:
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Incorrect Icl Voter Recor
Gerard Kellett
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
the change of use for a temporary period of 4 years of 6 no. of the 22 no. courtyard dwellings (referred to as Hunters Yard) permitted under Reg Ref DA/802774 (as extended by Reg Ref RA/180960) from residential to ancillary hotel accommodation facilitating short term lettings in the form of 24 no. bedrooms (6 no. keys) in 6 no. 2 storey 4 bedroom units. To accommodate this temporary change of use, the following modifications are also required:- Amendments for all 6 no. units include: The replacement of permitted kitchen to facilitate 1 no. accessible double bedroom with ensuite and inclusion of a small kitchenette facitity in the permitted study's, Solar Panels omitted, Chimneys omitted, Corner Lightbox/Lanterns omitted,
Amendments for 4 no. units (House Type HYI, HYIH and HY3, HY3H) include: Omission of internal door, a Balcony column support added, Suite 1 walk in wardrobe replaces with ensuite bathroom, Walk in wardrobe with ensuite included for Suite 2 , Total 12 no. car parking spaces to be provided. Selected stone cladding removed from upper storey of House Type HYI, HYIH and HY3, HY3H, A minor change of Finished Floor Levels on site. The development also includes all associated landscape and site development works. There is no change to the building footprint or house design to those units permitted under Reg. Ref. DA/802774 (as extended by Reg Ref RA/180960). The design is in keeping with all other residential units proposed within the Killeen Castle Demesne. The vehicular access is as otherwise permitted via the existing internal road network and entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne
development comprising revisions to a previously permitted hotel, conference centre, golf course with clubhouse and residential development at Killeen Castle Estate (a protected structure)under planning permission re, ref. 00/1670 (An Bord Pleanala ref. PL 17.125108). The proposed development comprises a revised design, position and layout of the previously permitted 123 dwellings to now provide for 9 no. two storey three bedroom detached dwellings, 47 no. two storey four bedroom detached dwellings, 20 no. two storey four/five bedroom detached dwelling (including optional study/bedroom), 14 no. two storey five bedroom detached dwellings, all the above with either detached or attached garages; 2 no. two bedroom and 68 no. three bedroom two storey courtyard dwellings; permitted Courtyard 1 is
development comprising revisions to 159 no. dwellings previously permitted under reg ref DA/50416. The revisions now proposed comprise a change of house type to 83 no. detached permitted dwellings so as to now consist of 14 no. part one and predominantly two storey 4-bedroom dwelling over part basement with attached two storey garage with habitable space above (house types A); 6 no. part one and predominantly two storey 5-bedroom dwelling with attached two storey garage with habitable space above (house types ER&HR);8 no. part one and predominantly two storey 5-bedroom dwelling with attached single storey garage (house type QR); 10 no. part one and predominantly two storey 5-bedroom dwelling over part basement with attached single storey garage (house type Q); 45 no. part one and predominantly two storey 5-bedroom dwelling over part basement with attached two storey garage with habitable space above (house types BR,CR,E&X all refer); an increase in individual house plot sizes to range in size from c.0.21HA 0 C.0.59HA is also proposed to each of the 83 no. detached dwellings. This application also(continuation of description attached)
to development comprising of inter alia; revisions to 83 no. detached dwellings, 49 no. courtyard houses and 3 no. gate lodges previously permitted under Reg. Ref. DA/50416 & DA/70167
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application