The proposed development consists of the alterations and part change of use of existing Killeen Castle Golf Clubhouse to accommodate a wedding/function venue as well as accommodating a golf clubhouse. To facilitate this partial change of use, the following modifications are also required: • Amendments to internal layout to facilitate the relocation of the existing Golf Clubhouse facilities (golf club members bar and pro shop) (c. 637.85 sq.m} towards the east side of the building with its own separate entrance (already existing) so as to facilitate separation from the proposed wedding/function venue (c. 752.11 sq.m} to the west of the building with its own separate entrance (already existing}; • Minor ancillary amendments to internal layout to facilitate separated toilet facilities for the function/event space and golf clubhouse respectively; • Minor ancillary amendments to the exterior of the building, including provision of new entrance and windows to the relocated Pro Shop and partial removal of the existing timber pergola at the rear of the building and the addition of a proprietary awning system with retractable roof to the rear of the existing Golf Clubhouse to serve the Members Bar (c. 41.15 sq.m}. The development also includes all associated site development works. There is no change to the building footprint as a result of the proposed. The vehicular access is as otherwise permitted via the existing internal road network and entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne. This is a Protected Structure
Development Address:
Killeen Castle Demesne, Dunsany , Co. Meath
Architect Name:
Stephen Little & Associates
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Incorrect Icl Voter Recor
Frank O'Donnell
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
The proposed development consists of the alterations and part change of use of existing Killeen Castle Golf Clubhouse to accommodate a wedding/function venue as well as accommodating a golf clubhouse. To facilitate this partial change of use, the following modifications are also required: • Amendments to internal layout to facilitate the relocation of the existing Golf Clubhouse facilities (golf club members bar and pro shop) (c. 637.85 sq.m} towards the east side of the building with its own separate entrance (already existing) so as to facilitate separation from the proposed wedding/function venue (c. 752.11 sq.m} to the west of the building with its own separate entrance (already existing}; • Minor ancillary amendments to internal layout to facilitate separated toilet facilities for the function/event space and golf clubhouse respectively; • Minor ancillary amendments to the exterior of the building, including provision of new entrance and windows to the relocated Pro Shop and partial removal of the existing timber pergola at the rear of the building and the addition of a proprietary awning system with retractable roof to the rear of the existing Golf Clubhouse to serve the Members Bar (c. 41.15 sq.m}. The development also includes all associated site development works. There is no change to the building footprint as a result of the proposed. The vehicular access is as otherwise permitted via the existing internal road network and entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne. This is a Protected Structure
a six year permission for development comprising revised design & layout of previously permitted hotel, golf club, conference centre, residential golf course & carparking, elements of overall development under planning permission register 97/199.........
development on lands to the west and southeast of Killeen Abbey, at Killeen Demense(a protected structure), including Loughmore Stud, comprising modifications and alterations to a previously permitted scheme under reg. ref. 00/1670(An Bord Pleanala ref. PL.17.125108). The extant permission provides for hotel,conference centre, golf course and clubhouse and residential development at Killeen Castle Estate Demense(a protected structure). The development as permitted under reg. ref. 00/1670 involves the restoration and use of Killeen Castle (a protected structure). The revisions now proposed consist of a revised layout and change of use from the permitted golf clubhouse facilities under reg. ref. 00/1670 to hotel uses at the lower ground floor and upper ground floor levels of Killeen Castle (a protected structure). This application also proposes the demolition of the existing 2 storey dwelling (total gross floor area c.235sq.m) located to the Northwest of Killeen Castle Estate, a protected structure and erection of a new stand alone golf clubhouse comprising of a single storey structure over part basement with a total gross floor area of c.2,895 sq.m. to the west of Killen Abbey. The golf clubhouse now proposed includes restaurant/bar (total gross floor area c.260 sq.m), members bar (total gross floor area c.99 sq.m.), boardroom/multi-purpose room (total gross floor area c.148 sq.m.), golf pro-shop (total gross floor area c. 127 sq.m.),68 no. golf buggy parking spaces at basement level (total gross floor area c. 636 sq.m.)and other ancillary facilities normally associated with a golf clubhouse; 1 no. single storey ESB sub-station (total gross floor area c. 4.5 sq.m) located to the east of the proposed new golf clubhouse; external service yard switchroom (c.8 sq.m in total); all associated site development and landscape works, including regrading works. Car parking associated with the golf course and clubhouse facility have been previously permitted. Vehicular access to the proposed development is via a proposed new access road off Road 11 of previously permitted internal road network (reg. ref. DA/50416 refers). The development under this application is all on a site of approximately c1.74 ha in area within the overall site
development comprising of a hotel with 177 no. bedrooms/suites at Killeen Castle (a Protected Structure) including the renovation and internal restoration of Killeen Castle (a Protected Structure), together with a new build linked element also forming part of the hotel. The works shall consist of: within the Castle (a Protected Structure), the reinstatement of the ground floor principal rooms lost to the fire in 1981; the conservation, repair and restoration of the ground floor rooms that partially survived the fire, the reinstatement or the provision of new rooms, with suitable period interiors where appropriate, in the remainder of the lower ground, ground, first, second and third floors where the originals were lost or damaged beyond repair by the fire and/or water damage, all internally located and as indicated on the documentation and also including a bat roost on the roof of Killeen Caste (a Protected Structure) measuring c. 9sqm GFA with a maximum height of c. 2.76m and constructed of painted timber with a pitched, natural slate roof; 2 no. lifts and in accordance with the proposed hotel use, the routing of mechanical, electrical, heating and water services throughout the building and associated plant rooms at mezzanine level; change of use of the Castle to hotel, to provide 17 no. hotel suites together with ancillary accommodation, including a bar, dining and tasting facilities. Permission is also sought for the new build element of the hotel linking to the Castle which comprises of 1 - 3 storeys over part basement (c.11,860 sq.m) and contains 160 no. hotel suites, a day spa facility with pool (c.755 sq.m.), a winter garden restaurant (c.293 sq.m.), a function room and pre-function area (c. 658 sq.m. in total)with links to the Castle at ground and basement level - the proposed development shall include necessary excavations and works in the vicinity of the castle, to provide these links. The Hotel includes other function rooms and staff facilities incidental to the running of the hotel. Any ancillary site development and landscape works; a new car part with 95 no. additional car parking spaces; vehicular access to the proposed development is via the existing internal road network and entrances at Killeen Castle Demesne. The overall hotel development comprising existing and new build element results in a gross floor area of c.15,152 sq.m (new build linked element and existing Castle combined). Retention permission is also sought for .....
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application