File No |
Staus |
Type |
Decision |
Received Date |
Name |
Development Address |
Description |
212041 |
C |
21/10/2021 Thursday |
Noone Transport Limited |
3.52 Ha site in the townlands of Killegland to the North of Ashbourne Business Park Ashbourne, Co Meath |
the construction of 2 No. warehouses (Units No. 1 and 2) with ancillary offices and staff facilities and associated development as follows: Unit 1will have a maximum height of 18.6 metres with a gross floor area of 8,181 sq m comprising warehouse area (7,165 sq m), ancillary office areas (372 sq m) and staff facilities (644 sq m); and Unit 2, which includes a workshop, will have a maximum height of 18.3 metres with a gross floor area of 7,912 sq m comprising warehouse area (7,112 sq m), ancillary office areas (136 sq m) and staff facilities (664 sq m). The development will also include: the extension of the Ashbourne Business Park internal estate road and provision of internal access/egress spurs; pedestrian access; 84 No. car parking spaces; bicycle parking; 25 No. HGV parking spaces; HGV marshalling yards; 2 No. level access goods doors; 14 No. dock levellers; gates; signage; lighting; sprinkler tank; pump house; balconies facing east and north east; canopy; boundary treatments; hard and soft landscaping; and all associated site development works above and below ground. The lands are part bounded by agricultural lands (to the east and north); Unit No. 20, Ashbourne Business Park is adjacent to the site to the south-west; Unit No. 12D, Ashbourne Business Park is located to the south-east of the lands. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application |
212059 |
22/10/2021 Friday |
Thomas Nolan |
Ashbourne Business Park Ashbourne Co. Meath |
permission to erect a fully serviced storage unit, incorporating 3 storey administration & staff facility areas, single storey storage and packing areas, access via existing service road, parking, signage, landscaping, boundary treatments, bicycle shelter, connection to existing services and all ancillary works |
22741 |
C |
03/06/2022 Friday |
Thomas Nolan, |
Ashbourne Business Park Àshbourne Co Meath |
to erect a fully serviced storage unit, incorporating 3 storey administration & staff facility areas, single storey storage and packing areas, access via existing service road, parking, signage, landscaping, boundary treatments, bicycle shelter, connection to existing services and all ancillary works |
aa150613 |
C |
16/06/2015 Tuesday |
Primeline Logistics |
Site 12 Ashbourne Business Park Ashbourne Co. Meath |
the construction of an extension to our existing warehousing unit at Site 12 Ashbourne Business Park. The extension of 25,968m2 (to the existing building of 10,729m2) will match the existing finishes, building height (max. 16.65m high) and will be constructed in two phases. Phase 1 - Warehouse 12,453m2 adjoined north of the existing unit, office/staff facilities 714m2/10.3m high on 3 floors to the front of Phase 1 warehouse plus 140m2/6.4m high internal two storey docking office to loading area and 51m2 internal single storey WC block to warehouse plus 2 no. ancillary charging areas 568m2/7.65m high to the rear of the existing warehouse. Phase 2 - Warehouse 11,617m2 adjoined north of Phase 1 plus integrated ancillary two storey office/staff facilities 374m2/6.4m high to the north elevation plus 51m2 internal single storey WC block to warehouse. The development will also incorporate the following: relocated car access/egress and widened HGV access/egress to western site boundary, new separate car and HGV acces/egress to northern site boundary all serviced from the existing road network within the estate, additional 274 car parking spaces to facilitate the extension 17.5m2/3.3m high stand alone security kiosk to goods entrance/exit, bicycle shelters, commercial vehicle wash bay, diesel tanks & HGV refuelling point together with services, utilities, landscaping, planting, paving and all associated site development works including drainage incorporating surface water attenuation |