the development will consist of (i) construction of an age-friendly/assisted living scheme comprising 4 no single storey residential units, each served by 2 no. on-curtilage parking spaces and private amenity space to the rear, and 1 no. single storey day centre building with associated amenity space to rear, (ii) provision of 20 no. parking within 2 no. separate parking bays and (iii) all ancillary works, inclusive of landscaping, internal access roadway/footpath and SuDS drainage services, necessary to facilitate the development. Each residential unit will provide 4 no. resident's bedrooms, 1 no. staff bedroom, an office and kitchen/living rooms
Development Address:
Land to the Rear of No's 9 & 10, Main Street, Summerhill, Co Meath
the alterations to the previous planning application register reference TA/802989 as follows: 1. Replacement of the previously approved 2 storey commercial units with 2 No. 2 bedroom 2 storey end terrace dwellings located to the north of house no. 9 and south of house no. 10 (97.6sq.m each). 2. Demolition of the extensions to the rear to No. 9 & No. 10 and the complete refurbishment of the existing dwellings into new 3 bedroom dormer bungalows (120.6sqm each). Significant Further information/Revised plans submitted on this application
Land to the Rear of No's 9 & 10 Main Street Summerhill, Co Meath
the development will consist of (i) demolition of 3 no. partially constructed structures comprising external walls and floor plates, (ii) construction of an age-friendly/assisted living scheme comprising 4 no single storey residential units, each served by 2 no. on-curtilage parking spaces and private amenity space to the rear, and 1 no. single storey day centre building with associated amenity space to rear, (iii) provision of 20 no. parking within 2 no. separate parking bays and (iv) all ancillary works, inclusive of landscaping, internal access roadway/footpath and SuDS drainage services, necessary to facilitate the development. Each residential unit will provide 4 no. resident's bedrooms, 1 no. staff bedroom, an office and kitchen/living rooms. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
the completion and alterations to the previous planning application register reference TA/802989 as follows: 1. Alterations to the front elevations including fenestration, finishes and replacement of barrel roof with pitched roof structures to original dwellings No's 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11. 2. Conversion of the attic spaces and installation of dormer windows (to front) to original dwellings No's 5 & 10. 3. Omission of previously approved houses No's 12 & 13 and replacement with 3 No. 1 bedroom apartments at ground level with 3 No. 2 bedroom 2 storey duplex units over. These works include new terrace areas to the rear of the duplex units at first floor level. Overall building will be 3 Storey's in height. 4. Omission of previously approved houses 1, 2 & 3 and their replacement with 6 No. 2 storey 3 bedroom terraced townhouses running east west in orientation (front elevation will be south facing). The revised works will also comprise of new relocated internal footpaths, off street car parking for all dwellings, visitors parking spaces and new internal dwelling boundary treatments and all associated works. significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application