Continuation of Existing Sand/Gravel Extraction, Extension of Sand/Gravel Extraction Area, Office & Amenity Block, Workshop, Covering of Structure to New Block Yard, Relocation of Equipment, Reinstatement & Landscaping (E.I.S. submitted)
Permission for a sand and gravel quarry extension of 9.7 hectares including an internal haul road (within a landholding of 52.9 hectares) comprising sand and gravel extraction, landscaping measures and visual screening, in respect to which an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been prepared. The planning application is also submitted for the following: Permission for new administration building (135m2) including septic tank and percolation area; Permission for the installation of a wheelwash (95m2); Permission for the installation of a weighbridge (45m2) and a car park area (270m2)