Permission for 782no. dwellings; including 37no. detached four bed dwellings, 182no. semi-detached dwellings (45no. four bed, 137no. three bed), 314no. terraced dwellings (40no. four bed, 229no. three bed, 45no. two bed), 94no. duplex apartments (57no. three bed, 37no. two bed), 155no. apartments (2no. three bed, 129no. two bed, 24no. 1 bed); 2no. 774sqm creche buildings, with ancillary play areas; 2.5ha of public open space, including 2no. dedicated playgrounds (Local Equipped Areas of Play); hard and soft landscaping and boundary treatments; refuse and cycle storage; 2no. wells for temporary water supply; 2no. surface water attenuation areas (1,400sqm each); a temporary water treatment and storage plant (600sqm); 1,129no. surface car parking spaces (including 11no. spaces for the creches); 4no. new vehicular access points (1no. to the existing R166 Termonfeckin Road to the south, 1no. to the existing Aston Village Neighbourhood Centre access road to the west, 1no. to the boundary with adjoining lands for future development to the west and 1no. to the planned Port Access North Cross Route to the north); and all other associated site and developments works, all on a site of 24.5 hectares, abounded to the south east by the R166 Termonfeckin road, to the west by Aston Village/ Termon Abbey housing estates; and to the north and east by undeveloped lands. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIS) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the application