Child & Family Centre St. Mary's Hospital Complex Dublin Road, Drogheda
Permission for development to consist of construction of a temporary two storey modular office/day clinic building with covered link walkway and all associated works.
Permission for development will consist of demolition of an existing three storey building, ancillary outbuildings and associated site development works.
Permission for development on a site measuring approximately 2.8 hectares, consisting of (i) Construction of a single storey Community Nursing Unit (CNU) 2,258sq.m gross internal floor area, with associated external signage. The constituent elements of the new CNU comprise (a) 3 no. residential households consisting of 10 no. bedrooms per house. Each bedroom is provided with accessible en-suite facilities. Households also have assisted bathrooms, quiet rooms and support accommodation; (b) Communal entrance area with reception and shared facilities; (c) Large living/dining/kitchen areas located at centre of each household; (d) Multipurpose room; (e) Dedicated staff hub with rest/meeting room, changing areas and associated toilets; (f) Covered ambulatory/walkway and landscaped courtyards; (ii) Site development works include revisions to existing vehicular and pedestrian arrangements to provide 8 no. universally accessible parking spaces, 64 no. standard car parking spaces and drop off zones. A seperate internal road has also been proposed for servicing/deliveries to the new CNU. The proposed development also includes hard & soft landscaping (including courtyards, external site works and site attenuation), and associated site development and services works.
Permission for development on a site measuring approx. 2.5 acres. The development will consist of (i) Construction of a single storey Community Nursing Unit (CNU) (2,258sq.m gross internal floor area) with associated external signage. The constituent elements of the new CNU comprise (a) 3 no. residential households consisting of 10 no. bedrooms per house. Each bedroom is provided with accessible en-suite facilities. Households also have assisted bathrooms, quiet rooms and support accommodation; (b) Communal entrance area with reception and shared facilities; (c) Large living/dining/kitchen areas located at centre of each household; (d) Multi-purpose room; (e) Dedicated staff hub with rest/meeting room, changing areas and associated toilets; (f) Covered ambulatory/walkway and landscaped courtyards. (ii) Site development works include revisions to existing vehicular and pedestrian arrangements to provide 8 no. universally accessible parking spaces, 64 no. standard car parking spaces and drop off zones. A separate internal road has also been proposed for servicing/deliveries to the new CNU. The proposed development also includes hard and soft landscaping (including courtyards, external site works and site attenuation) and associated site development and services works.
Permission for the construction of a link corridor annex to provide an internal staff connection between St Mary's Hospital and the new Community Nursing Unit (113sqm gross internal floor area); with associated external signage. The constituent elements of the new CNU comprise: (a) Internal link corridor with internal lift and accompanying staircase; (b) Relocation of oxygen store facilities from the plant area of the new CNU Building to the link corridor undercroft. The proposed development also includes revision to hard and soft landscaping within an existing bank and associated site development and services works to suit the proposed link corridor
St Mary's Hospital Dublin Road Drogheda, County Louth
The development will consist of the construction of an ESB substation (approx. 43m2) and generator compound to supplement the existing electrical supply to the St Mary’s Hospital campus and support the various HSE facilities found on the St Mary’s site. In addition to the proposed ESB substation, an enclosed medical gas manifold store building (approx. 17m2) will be constructed within the landscaped area between St Mary’s Hospital and the new community nursing unit building to provide additional healthcare support and provision. The proposals will also incorporate realignment of previously agreed car parking and landscaped areas to facilitate the inclusion of the proposed ancillary support buildings.
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application