(P)Retain a change of use of a building from agriculture to industrial and for permission to erect six new industrial/warehouse units in three buildings, wastewater treatment unit, road and ancillary services
(P) 6 industrial warehouse units in 3 buildings, WWTS & percolation area, access road & ancillary services (R) retention of change of use from agricultural to industrial unit
To retain change of use of a building from agricultural to industrial and for permission to erect six new industrial/warehouse units in 3 buildings, wastewater treatment unit and percolation area, access road and ancillary services.
Extension of Duration of planning permission 08/512 which consists of Permission for the construction of six industrial/warehouse units in three buildings
Retention permission for amendments to and relocation of the existing waste water treatment system and percolation area together with permission for the extension of Collon Business Park, a new access road, minor alterations to car parking layout of Unit 8 and all associated site development works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application