Permission for development to consist of a mixed-use development consisting of: a) extensions and alterations to the Hotel Building and b) the construction of 48 no. dwellings towards the southern part of the site. The proposed extensions and alterations to the hotel consist of the addition of a new 3 storey block to the north accommodating a new reception/foyer/bar/restaurant at ground floor level, with bedrooms located on the upper floors and the provision of a new 3 storey bedroom wing to the south of the existing 3 storey bedroom block to provide a hotel with 102 no. bedrooms overall. The proposed extensions and alterations to the hotel will also provide for upgrade and reconfirguration works to the existing 3 storey bedroom block that includes enclosing balconies to existing bedrooms at 2nd floor level in the front west elevation as well as a new external facade and internal reconfiguration including partial demolition of some internal/external walls. The proposed extensions and alterations also provide for a covered pedestrian walkway along the northern elevation leading from a proposed car parking area (to the east) to a new 'side' entrance located in the northern elevation of the hotel. In addition, new internal and external service facilities are proposed along with new signage. The proposed new signage consists of facade signage as well as totem signage at site entrance. The proposed residential element of the development comprises 40 no. houses and 8 no. apartments. The proposed houses are in detached and semi-detached format and range in height from 2-3 storeys. The apartments are accommodated in 2 no. 2 storey buildings, all with own door access. The proposed development will also provide for all associated site development works including car parking, alterations to ground levels, open space, landscapiing and boundary treatments (including the construction of a section of retaining wall along the south-western boundary of the site), public lighting and services. Vehicular access to the proposed development (hotel and residential) will be provided via the existing permitted and established access to the Fairways Hotel site off the Dublin Road (R132) ** significant further information received 10 Nov 2017**