Demolish existing dwelling house, erect 3no. new dwellinghouses with vehicle access to site via Irish Street, provision of 3no. parking spaces and all associated site works. This site is located within an architectural conservation area as designated by Louth County Development plan 2015-2021.
Permission for the demolition of a semi-detached single storey dwelling house on Irish Street and for the construction of 2 no. two storey townhouses on the same plot, for the demolition of a two storey semi-detached dwelling house on Markethouse Lane and the construction of 3 no. two storey townhouses, all with roof mounted solar panels, for associated site works, for a set back building line on Markethouse Lane to accommodate road widening and public footpath
Irish Street/Rogan's Lane/Markethouse Lane Ardee Co Louth
permission for: (1) demolition of existing buildings and structures on site including 3 no. existing dwelling houses at 57 Irish Street (fronting onto Irish Street), 9 Rogan's Lane fronting onto Rogan's Lane/Markethouse Lane and 10 Rogan's Lane (fronting onto Rogan's Lane/Markethouse Lane); (2) construction of a total of 10 no. new apartment dwelling units consisting of 7 no. 2 bedroom units and 3 no. 1 bedroom units. The units are located in 2 no. three storey blocks (Block A and Block B). Block A, fronting onto Irish Street, is a three storey plus pitched roof structure consisting of 2 no. 2 bedroom duplex apartments and 2 no. 1 bedroom apartments. Apartment Block B, fronting onto Rogan's Lane (Markethouse Lane), is a three storey plus pitched roof structure consisting of 3 no. 2 bedroom duplex apartments, 1 no. 1 bedroom duplex apartment and 2 no. 1 bedroom apartments and (3) all ancillary hard and soft landscaping works, bicycle storage areas, refuse storage areas, site services and site development works
9, Rogan’s Lane / Markethouse Lane, Ardee, County Louth,
Permission for proposed alterations to the front elevation of existing single storey terraced house, incorporating increasing the height at eaves level and at the front door and window head levels, and all ancillary siteworks
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application