Permission for development to consist of: The demolition of an existing retail unti, living accommodation over same, adjoining derelict dwelling house and outbuildings. And the use thereafter of the site for: A 3 storey building (12.63m high) comprising of a retail unit with ancillary office and store at ground floor level and 3 no. 2 bedroom, 2 storey apartments with roof top gardens over, located to the northern end of the site. 2 no. 1 bedroom single storey apartments contained in one block, located to the southern end of the site. Bin storage area, car parking and associated site development works.
Permission for development that will consist of:- The demolition of (a) an existing two storey building comprising of retail unit at ground floor level and living accommodation over same and (b) adjoining single storey derelict dwelling house and outbuildings. And the use thereafter of the site for:- A 4 storey building (12.63m high) comprising of a retail unit with ancillary office and store at ground floor level and 3 no. 2 bedroom apartments with roof top gardens over, located to the Northern end of the site. 2 no.1 bedroom single storey apartments contained in one block, located to the Southern end of the site. Bin storage area, car parking and associated site development works. ** SIGNIFICANT FURTHER INFORMATION RECEIVED ON THE 7/12/2017 WHICH PROVIDES FOR A THREE STOREY PROPOSAL*
Retention permission for signage and retention of the change of use of part of premises from a shop to hot food take away and for all associated site works.
Retention permission for signage and retention of change of use of part of premises from a shop to hot food take away and for all associated site works.
Permission for (i) the demolition of an existing two storey building comprising of retail unit at ground floor level and habitable living accommodation over same & adjoining single storey derelict dwelling house and its outbuildings. (ii) The construction of 1 no. 3 storey residential building consisting of 1 no. 1 bed apartment along with 1 no. 2 bed apartment at ground floor level & 3 no. 2 bed duplex apartment at first and second floor level, comprising of 5 no. apartment units total at the front side of site. (iii) The construction of 1 no. single storey residential building comprising of 2 no. 1 bed apartment at the rear of the site, as well as external bin storage area, landscaping, car parking and (iv) all associated site development and boundary treatment works **Significant further information received on 26.6.23 includes amendments to the proposed design consisting of boundary and landscaping considerations to include the construction of a bicycle shelter along with the omitting of 1 no. residential unit and elevational changes to the apartment block at the front of the subject site**
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application