Planning application details ref: 2460674 Louth County Council

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Planning Application: 2460674 (Louth County Council )
File Number: 2460674
Application Type: PERMISSION Planning Status: FURTHER INFORMATION
Received Date: 01/11/2024 Decision Due Date:
Validated Date: 01/11/2024 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 17/12/2024 Further Info Received:
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Decision Date:
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date:
Commenced Date: Submissions By: 05/12/2024

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Premier Periclase Limited
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: Permission for a ten year development on a site comprising the Premier Periclase production facility at Strand Road and Boyne Avenue, Drogheda. Please see Newspaper Ad for full description. This application is includes an EIAR and NIS. The site comprises the main Premier Periclase production facility site, along with an existing wharf to the south of the main site area, and a portion of the public road adjacent to the wharf. The application site is located within the townland of Newtownstalaban. The proposed development comprises the demolition of existing structures on site and the construction of the first phase of a new sustainably powered enterprise campus. The development will consist of the following: Demolition of existing processing and industrial buildings, ancillary structures, and services associated with the Premier Periclase production facility, and associated site clearance and enabling works. The demolition works include the removal of an existing boiler house and store (with a gross floor area (GFA) of 2,827 sq.m), office building (with a GFA of 510 sq.m), security hut and locker room (with a GFA of 339 sq.m), diesel tanks and bund (with a GFA of c. 70 sq.m), oil store (with a GFA of 168 sq.m), 3 no. pump houses (with a GFA of c. 65 sq.m, 50 sq.m and 75 sq.m respectively), bagging plant and elevator building (with a GFA of 616 sq.m), crane shed structure, Periclase shed and old mill house (with an overall GFA of 4,025 sq.m), boiler house (with a GFA of 207 sq.m), slaker area (with a GFA of 398 sq.m), wharf DB building (with a GFA of c. 44 sq.m), lime kiln building (with a GFA of 2,698 sq.m), canteen and toilets (with a GFA of 64 sq.m), DB structure (Pump House 5) (with a GFA of c. 25 sq.m), acid hut (with a GFA of c. 15 sq.m), DB room (DB 1) (with a GFA of c. 118 sq.m), control room building (with a GFA of 327 sq.m), briquette store (with a GFA of 825 sq.m), MHF DB’s (with a GFA of c. 181 sq.m), brick shed (with a GFA of 1,042 sq.m), shaft kiln blower house (with a GFA of 256 sq.m), and NOx analyzer (with a GFA of c. 9 sq.m). The demolition works include the removal of associated chimney stacks, gantries, kilns, silos, and plant, and an existing overhead conveyor structure between the main site area and the wharf to the south of Strand Road, along with associated ancillary sheds and structures on the wharf. The total gross floor area (GFA) of structures to be demolished is c.14,954sq.m including ancillary structures. An existing workshop building (located within the northwest of the site, which will remain in use as a workshop / store), part of an existing crane store structure, and 3 no. lime silos will be maintained, along with existing water tanks and ancillary structures and associated infrastructure within the eastern portion of the site. Construction of a three storey Energy Centre building in the northwestern area of the subject site to accommodate 9 no. gas engines, electrical rooms, mechanical plant rooms, telecommunication rooms, switchrooms and uninterruptible power supply (UPS) rooms and equipment. The building will have a total GFA of 6,655 sq.m., with plant and solar PV arrays at roof level, and an overall height of c. 26.6 metres, with 9 no. flues c. 28.9 metres in height. Construction of a three storey Data Centre building within the southern portion of the site to accommodate data hall floorspace, mechanical and electrical rooms, support facilities, telecommunication rooms, storage, and ancillary office / administration space (within the western portion of the building, which will incorporate 3 no. repurposed lime silos). The building will have an overall height of c. 29 metres, with a total GFA of c. 26,550 sq.m. Solar PV arrays and plant will be provided at roof level, with a structure offset from the southern façade of the building providing additional solar PV arrays and green wall. Construction of a single storey Facility Operations Centre (FOC) building to the west of the energy centre building, to accommodate security and network operations centre rooms, staff facilities, plant rooms, and storage. The building will have an overall height of c. 5.5 metres and a GFA of c. 375 sq.m. Construction of a single storey Pump and Filtration Building in the northeastern portion of the site, with an overall height of c. 6.9 metres and a GFA of c. 1,170 sq.m. Construction of ancillary structures including a single storey security Gatehouse and Security Kiosk at the main site entrance from Boyne Avenue, with a GFA of c. 25 sq.m and 6 sq.m respectively. Construction of an ESB Substation (with a GFA of c. 99 sq.m) which will be provided in the northwestern corner of the site within a fenced compound, to accommodate transformers, electrical equipment and a single-storey ESB control building. A Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Compound to the north of the proposed energy centre building, accommodating battery units and associated plant and equipment within a fenced compound. Construction of a Cooling Compound substation (with a GFA of c. 40 sq.m) and associated cooling equipment located to the immediate east of the BESS compound of the site. Construction of a Thermal Store Compound to accommodate thermal storage equipment and plant, located to the east of the energy centre building. Provision of a fenced Maintenance Compound, Pump and Filtration System (within the north-central section of the site), and ancillary structures including a Firewater tank, a Fire Fighting Water Pump Building (with a GFA of c. 10 sq.m), and waste management facilities. Provision of ground-mounted solar PV arrays adjacent to the existing water tanks in the central southern portion of the site, and on the existing landfill area (which will be re-profiled and capped) in the eastern portion of the site, along with 3 no. compact substations (each with a GFA of c. 21 sq.m). Staff car parking (50 no. spaces) and bicycle parking will be provided in the western portion of the site, adjacent to the proposed facility operations centre building and data centre building. All associated works, access arrangements (including reopening of a secondary entrance to the L2307), waste management area, internal roadways and footpaths, boundary treatments, provision of a totem sign at the main entrance from Strand Road, landscaping and services, and all associated and ancillary works
Development Address: Premier Periclase production facility, Strand Road and Boyne Avenue,, Drogheda, Co. Louth
Architect Name: Location Key: BOYNE AVENUE DROGHEDA EAST
Electoral Division: Planner: Conor Campfield
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: Yes Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments:


Decision Date: Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Grant Date: Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: BP Reference #:
Appeal Type: File Forward Date:
Submission Due Date: Submission Sent Date:
Appeal Decision: Decision Date:
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: