Planning Application: 2460651 (Louth County Council )
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Applicant name:
Turlough McKevitt
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
Permission for the following: 1. Change of use of existing 3 no. apartments to office use, including internal alterations and 2 no. external doors to east elevation and 2. All associated works *Significant Further Information Received on 21/01/2025*
Retention & Permission for development within the curtilage of a protected structure - Ref. DB-310 (NIAH Registration No. 13616003) for the following: 1. Retention of existing one-bedroom apartment on ground floor of existing building (50 North Road). 2. Demolition of former farmyard building and provision of 8 no. parking spaces & 3 no. cycle bays to rear of 47 North Road for existing office, along with new fence enclosure. 3. Alterations to existing entrances (47 & 50 North Road) to create new vehicular entrance to new car park including the removal of existing boundary wall and relocation of existing stone piers. 4. New wall to the rear of existing dwelling (47 North Road). 5. All associated site works** Significant Further Information received 22/05/2020**
Permission for development at 47 & 50 North Road Drogheda, Co. Louth which is in the curtilage of a protected structure - Ref. DB-310 (NIAH Registration No.13616003). The development will consist of the following:
1. Construction of 13no. residential units within 2no. new blocks:
• 1no. 3-storey/2-storey block (consisting of 3no. one bed apartments, 3no. two bed duplex dwellings and 1no. three bed dwelling) and
• 1no. 3-storey block (consisting of 3no. two bed apartments and 3no. three bed duplex dwellings)
2. Demolition of 2 no. existing outbuildings
3. New internal circulation road, pedestrian footpaths, carparking, bicycle parking, bin store, public open space, boundary treatment and landscaping
4. All associated site development and infrastructure works*SFI recieved on 7.3.24 includes Significant Further Information includes:
1. Revisions to fenestration of elevations
2. Revisions to floor plans & private amenity space
3. Revisions to internal circulation road, pedestrian footpaths, carparking,
bicycle parking, bin & bulky store, public open space, boundary
treatment and landscaping
4. Proposed public lighting.
5. All associated site development and infrastructure works. **
McKevitt King Architects 50 North Road, Drogheda Co. Louth
Permission for (1) a proposed new meeting room extension under existing archway, (2) new canopy over existing entrance to office, (3) new high-level window to ground floor of existing office (east elevation) and (4) all associated site works