Planning Application: 2360356 (Louth County Council )
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
Permission to erect a 3MW Wind Turbine, located at the East area of our existing biopharmaceuticals plant; the Wind Turbine will be installed with a hub height of 80 meters and a blade radius of 45 meters, with underground ducting connecting to the existing ESB substation. The application relates to the development which comprises of an activity which holds an Industrial Emissions Discharge (IED) Licence (Licence No. P1122-01)
Development Address:
Wuxi Biologics Ireland Limited, Dundalk Science And Technology Park, Mullagharlin, Dundalk, A91 X56F
Architect Name:
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Declan Conlon
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
Permission to erect a 3MW Wind Turbine, located at the East area of our existing biopharmaceuticals plant; the Wind Turbine will be installed with a hub height of 80 meters and a blade radius of 45 meters, with underground ducting connecting to the existing ESB substation. The application relates to the development which comprises of an activity which holds an Industrial Emissions Discharge (IED) Licence (Licence No. P1122-01)
Mullagharlin/Haynestown IDA Ireland Dundalk Science & Technology Dundalk, Co Louth
Permission for the reconfiguration of rear yard based equipment and their associated buildings to that permitted under planning ref. no. 19/861 and 20/148. The proposed development comprises of (1) A proposed single storey compressor building sized 110 square meters and 5.1 meters high. (2) A single storey bins/garden shed and bicycle shelter sized 51 square meters and 3.3 meters high. (3) A single storey security building sized 35 square meters and 4.3 meters high. (4) A fire water retention tank at 3 meters high. (5) A new single storey chemical store sized 100 square meters and 5.1 meters high. (6) A single storey expansion to the existing permitted electrical room sized 67 square meters and 6.1 meters high. The proposed development also comprises the minor relocation and re-configuration of existing yards and related equipment and equipment housings such as tanks, cooling towers, stores, fire water tanks and pump houses, road and utility infrastructure and ancillary yard based equipment. The revised development is necessitated by the detailed engineering selection and layout of yard based equipment and Wuxi storage needs. This application consists of a variation to a previously permitted development for an activity for which a licence under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992 (as amended by the Protection of the Environment Act, 2003) is required
Retention permission and permission for development that consists of the application seeking amendments to the permitted development (Louth County Council Reg. Ref 08/822 which has been extended in duration under Reg. Ref 18/187 and subsequent permission Reg. Ref. 18/817) and relate to the medium to large scale biopharmaceutical manufacturing facility, referred to as Site 2 in the planning permission. The over all GFA of the buildings on Site2 is proposed to increase by 513m2 from 54,232m2 to 54,745m2. Permission is sought to retain elements of the under construction development and permission to complete and reconfigure other elements as proposed in the application documents, as summarised below.... Permission- Revised entrance security gates, Corporate backlit signage to the northeast corner of Building DK2, Revised landscape proposals. Retention Permission 1. Revision to elevational treatments and building configuration. 2. Revisions to entrance details. 3. Addition of substation and switchroom in place of secondary security building and second substation. 4. Revision to parking, internal roads, yards and plant and services layouts. 5. Gas reducing station. 6. Additional cooling plant and associated stair core to building DK4. 7. Addition of electric vehicle charging points. The application relates to development which comprises, or is for the purposes of, an activity requiring an integrated pollution prevention and control licence and waste licence
IDA Science and Technology Park Mullagharlin Dundalk, Co Louth
permission for 2 no. new backlit signs located on the south elevation and on the east elevation of the existing manufacturing building (subject of planning ref. no. 20/148, located south of the Mullagharlin Road) and 3 no. new flagpoles adjacent to the site entrance to the east of this building as follows: (1) 1 no. new backlit sign to the east elevation facing the internal IDA roundabout and site entrance, sized approximately 12 metres wide and approximately 6 metres high, located at a height of approximately 22.5 metres to the top of the sign; (2) 1 no. new backlit sign to the south elevation facing the existing main manufacturing facility (subject of planning ref. no. 18/817), sized approximately 6.5 metres wide and approximately 3.5 metres high, located at a height of approximately 22.5 metres to the top of the sign; (3) 3 no. new flagpoles, each approximately 8 metres high and 65 millimetre in diameter. Each of the proposed flags will be approximately 3 metres wide and approximately 1.5 metres high. This application consists of a variation to a previously permitted development on an activity for which a licence under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992, is required
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application