Planning Application: 22773 (Louth County Council )
File Number:
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Leave to Appeal:
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Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Beacon Parks Developments Ltd
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
Permission for the construction of 8 detached dwelling houses and waste water treatment systems all of which were partially constructed as part of planning permission ref. no. 06/881 and including all associated site development works
(O) 6 no dwelling houses with septic tank/waste water treatment systems and full planning permission for site development works to the above 6 no dwelling houses
(O) The development will consist of an additional 4no dwellinghouses with septic tank/waste water treatment systems. This development is connected to the granted application no.05/644 (outline planning for 6 no.dwellinghouses with septic tank, waste water treatment systems and full planning permission for site development works to the above 6 no.dwellinghouses)
Permission for the construction of 9 detached dwelling houses and wastewater treatment systems all of which were partially constructed as part of planning permission reference no. 06/881 and including all associated site development works.
Permission for the construction of 9 detached dwelling houses and wastewater treatment systems all of which were partially constructed as part of planning permission reference no. 06/881 and including all associated site development works.
Permission for the construction of 8 detached dwelling houses and waste water treatment systems all of which were partially constructed as part of planning permission reference no. 06/881, and including all associated site development works. *Significant Further Information which includes an N.I.S. received on 07/12/2020*
Permission for the construction of 8 detached dwelling houses and waste water treatment systems all of which were partially constructed as part of planning permission Ref. No. 06/881 and including all associated site development works. This application is accommpanied by a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment