Planning Application: 18879 (Louth County Council )
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Applicant name:
Marchell Reilly & Richard Swales
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
The development consists of retention of alterations to external facade, retention of extension to single storey sunroom, retention of alignment to rear facing roof line to match existing roof and retention of garage, which is set back (to North East) from location Granted Planning permission under reference number 17/580.
Permission for development that will consist of proposed single storey extension to front, side and rear of dwelling house incorporating 3 No. dormer windows to front elevation in attic space and proposed detached domestic garage to rear of dwelling.
Termonfeckin Road Newtownstalaban Drogheda, Co Louth
permission for minor modification to approved scheme site plan and change of houses types as previously granted under Planning Ref. No. 07/1791 and 18/560 to 79 new dwellings, consisting of 38 no. 3 bed semi-detached, 2 no. 3 bed end of terrace, 10 no. 2 bed mid terrace, 5 no. 4 bed detached, 6 no. type E 3 bed mid terrace, with existing access provided through Beaulieu Village Estate, site boundary treatments and all associated site development and civil works
Newtownstalaban Termonfeckin Road Drogheda, Co Louth
Permission for (a) the construction of 97 no. dwellings comprising a mix of house types and apartments including: (i) 25 no. two storey three bedroom terraced units with roof lights on rear roof slope (House Type D & D2); (ii) 7 no. two storey three bedroom detached dwellings with roof lights on rear roof slope (House Type C1) and (iii) 31 no. two storey three bedroom semi-detached houses (House Type C); (iv) 10 no. two storey four bedroom semi-detached houses (House Type B) and (v) 24 no. apartments comprising 16 no. one bed and 8 no. two bed units with private terraces and balconies, communal bicycle parking and bin stores to be provided across 4 no. two storey blocks; (b) the provision of a two storey creche (323sqm); (c) provision of 2 no. access/egress points with Termonfeckin Road (R166); (d) provision of 181 no. car parking spaces to serve the residential development and 7 no. car parking spaces to serve the creche; (e) the proposed development will also include the provision of cycle lanes, roads, private open space, public open space, provision of foul drainage, surface water attenuation and connection to mains water supply including pump station, ESB substation, street lighting, landscaping, boundary treatments and all ancillary site development works necessary to facilitate the development. Planning permission for a residential development exists on sie under Ref. No. 07/1791, extended under Ref. No. 18/560