Planning Application: 18873 (Louth County Council )
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Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Tom Condon
Applicant Address:
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
The development consists of provision of two new industrial buildings as follows: Building No.1(1880m2) has the potential to be divided into 2 No. 940m2 units or be completed as a single 1880m2 unit. Building No.2(1880m2) contains 2 separate 940m2 units. Each of which has the potential to be divided into 2 No.470m2 units, together with all associated site development works.
Offices & store for storage & packaging fruit & vegetables, bioclear waste water treatment unit, percolation area, site development works including yard surfacing & erection of site boundary fencing
Extension of Duration of planning permission 08/512 which consists of Permission for the construction of six industrial/warehouse units in three buildings
Permission for development to consist of provision of a new 1890 m2 industrial building which has the potential to be divided into 2 no. 945 m2 units, together with all associated site development works.
Retention permission for amendments to and relocation of the existing waste water treatment system and percolation area together with permission for the extension of Collon Business Park, a new access road, minor alterations to car parking layout of Unit 8 and all associated site development works
Retention Permission for 1. Extension of site boundaries to include for an additional gravel hardstand area for car parking and cicrulation. 2. Minor alterations to the elevations of the partially built unit, to include for 2no. additional roller-shutter doors. 3. New single-storey office extension, together with permission to further extend and relocate the same. Permission for minor alterations to the partially built unit to be completed approved under planning ref: 19/605 including removal of roller shutter door, internal offices, toilets and associated windows & doors. Change of use of existing 1516m2 carpark and circulation yard to an external storage area, togther with all associated site development works.
Retention Permission for amendments to and relocation of existing wastewater treatment system and percolation area together with all associated site development works.
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application