Permission consequent to the grant of outline permission planning ref 08/1151 which consists of 2 no. whiskey warehouses & associated site development works
Permission for a fire water retention pond and full retention interceptors for surface water discharges to the Castletown River, and associated site development works
Permission for development to consist of removal of existing process tank and replace it with a different process tank and associated enclosure structure.
Permission for development will consist of: Erection of a new 2.4m high palisade security fence to replace existing concrete post & wire fence along the northern boundary of their site and associated site development works.
Extension of Duration: Permission consequent to the grant of outline permission planning ref 08/1151 which consists of 2 no. whiskey warehouses & associated site development works
Permission for an extension to the existing spirit bund area to include 5 no. bunded spirit tanks (10.335m high and 4m in diameter). A new external metal access stairs and high and low level gantry walkways. A 3m high palisade security fence with access gate around the external access stairs area. A 2.45m high concrete/masonry block wall with 1.2m high palisade fence over same surrounding the proposed new tanks. Alterations to the existing spirit bund area to include: - Replace the existing concrete post and mesh fencing with palisade security fencing to match the height of the existing fencing. Replace the existing access gate to the spirit bund area. To include all associated site development works.
PERMISSION for development will consist of: The upgrading of an existing access arrangement to provide segregation access for cars, light goods vehicles and heavy goods vehicles, new boundary treatment, landscaping, signage and associated site development works.
Permission for the abstraction of ground water and the use of that groundwater for a non-domestic purpose as process water in the manufacture of alcohol products entailing the development of three no. wells and all associated site development works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application