(P) 52 residential units comprising 18 no.4 bedroom semi-detached units, 16 no.3 bedroom semi-detached units, 9 no.2 bedroom terraced units, 1 no split level terraced block consisting of 3 no.3 bedroom units, 3 no.blocks consisting of 1 no. 2 bedroom apartment and 1 no duplex units. Also consisting of landscape works and ancillary site development works.
(R) 2 no. residential blocks which have been constructed in different positions from that which was granted Planning Permission under planning reference 04/871. The blocks each contain 2 no. 2 bedroom apartments units and 2 no 3 bedroom apartment units and 2 no. 3 bedroom duplex units.
(P) change of house type for 1 no. split-level terraced block consisting of 3 no. 3 bedroom units (units no. 59, 60 & 61) namely elevational changes from that previously granted permission under Planning Reference No. 06/448