Na hoibreacha ata i gceist san fhorbairt na cur le tosach an ionaid diola ata ann cheana, ardu airde an dion, togail leithreas scoite ar chul an ionaid diola ata ann cheane agus comhartaiocht comthiomsaithe agus oibreacha laithreain uilig a bhaineann leis an forbairt. ***The development will consist of extension to the front of existing building, increase in roof height, construction of detatched toilet block at rear of unit, signage and associated site works.*Significant Further Information was received on 25/11/2013 which provided for interalia, the provision of a storage area at first floor level ancillary to the use of the butchers shop*
Extension of Duration: Na hoibreacha ata i gceist san fhorbairt na cur le tosach an ionaid diola ata ann cheana, ardu airde an dion, togail leithreas scoite ar chul an ionaid diola ata ann cheane agus comhartaiocht comthiomsaithe agus oibreacha laithreain uilig a bhaineann leis an forbairt. ***The development will consist of extension to the front of existing building, increase in roof height, construction of detatched toilet block at rear of unit, signage and associated site works.*Significant Further Information was received on 25/11/2013 which provided for interalia, the provision of a storage area at first floor level ancillary to the use of the butchers shop*