Permission for 2 no. 2 storey semi-detached dwellings, individual effluent treatment systems connecting to the existing site services, site specific wells and all associated site works off the existing shared site entrance road
Permission for 2 nr 2 storey semi-detached dwellings, individual effluent treatment systems connecting to the existing site services, site specific well & all associated site works off the existing shared site entrance road.
Permission for 2 no. 2 storey semi-detached dwellings, individual effluent treatment system connecting to the existing site services, site specific wells and all associated site works off the existing shared site entrance road
Permission for alterations to planning permission ref no. 97/730 (22 no. Dwellinghouses - only 18 granted) to include a section of the original open space area of the estate into the curtilage of my dwelling (No. 12 Elmore Lawns) while maintaining the open space requirements of the overall development with all associated site development works.
Permission is sought for the retention of an as-built garage. The development consists of a new basement floor, relocation on site and elevational changes to previously granted planning permission 08-1090. Planning permission is also sought for the extension of time for the garage to be used as a temporary dwelling until the main dwelling is complete. *Significant Further Information submitted 23/03/2017*
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application