(P) conversion and extension of existing detached domestic garage adjacent to the side of my existing dwelling for habitual use and associated site works
Permission for development to vary previously permitted developments as granted under P.A Ref. No. 04/1451 (the appropriate period of which was extended under P.A. Ref. 12/75) and as varied under P.A. Ref. No. 14/534 and P.A. Ref. No. 15/212. The development will consist of the change in house type to comprise 50 no. 2 storey houses and 6 no. apartments in a 2 storey building, reducing the overall number of permitted dwellings on the site from 212 to 198. In addition 2 no. single storey assisted living units are proposed. The proposal also includes revisions to the internal road layout, open space areas and all associated site development works including modifications to general infrastructure, foul drainage and surface water drainage. **Significant Further Information received 20/06/16. No of dwelling units reduced by 2no to 56**