(P) Construction of two storey child care facility, car parking facilities on and off site, revised road layout to that previously granted under ref: 01/946 and associated site works
(P) alterations to creche previously granted under planning reference no. 04/166. Creche to be altered to dormer style and to comprise toddler, infant, montessori rooms, play area, office and kitchen facilities, on site car parking and associated siteworks
(R) for existing creche foundations and (P) Permission for alterations to plan design and elevational changes to creche previously granted planning permission under references 04/ 166 and 06/ 1348
Permission for revision to unit nrs 95-98 inclusive Moorehall Rise originally granted planning permission under planning reference 04/1477. The proposed revision incldue - A) Change to part site layout consisting of the replacement of 4 nr 3 bed detached bungalows with 2 nr 3 bed semi detached units & 2nr 4 bed detached bungalows. B) Revision to the site layout consisting of the replacement of 9nr car spaces with new home-zone areas, car parking & associated site works
Permission for revisions to unit numbers 79-86 (inclusive) Moorehall Rise originally granted Planning Permission under Planning reference no. 04/1477. The proposed revisions include :- a) Elevational changes to unit no. 80 b) increased floor area and elevational changes to units 82-86 (inclusive), and c) additional on-site parking and associated site works