Retention Permission for an existing balcony, supporting structure, glass enclosure and access door. Significant FI Received 16/09/16 proposing the encasement of the steel structure within an extended enclosed porch. Split Decision.
Retention and permission for develoment to consist of permission for retention of an existing balcony and glass enclosure structure and permission for a new 1.7m high privacy screen comprising opaque glass within a stainless steel frame on the western side of the balcony to match materials and finishes to the existing balcony enclosure. The balcony area has dimensions of 1.1m by 2.9m to give an overall area of 3.19sq.m and is formed by the flat-roof area of a porch permitted as part of planning ref. 15/722. The balcony serves an existing dwellinghouse.
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application