A 2 & 3-storey mixed use dev at Fisherman's Wharf. A ground floor retail unit of 155.5 sq.m. Health Centre on ground & 1st floor of area 144.7 sq.m. guest bedrooms on 1st floor & 2nd floor of area 408 sq.m. linked to existing pub/restaurant premises, new single storey kitchen accommodation of 61 sq.m. car park to rear of development accessed through proposed archway from main rd along with assoc.ancillary works & demolition of existing 2-storey bed & breakfast wing & existing single storey kitchen.
Retention permission for development to consist of retention of single storey timber clad external smoking room and store to the rear elevation of the existing building and associated site works.
Permission for the demolition of existing Public House, restaurant and function rooms, removal of vehicular entrance and construction of 4 storey/part 5 storey apartment block with 9 no. one bedroom apartments, 13 no. 2 bedroom apartments, bicycle storage, bin storage, play equipment storage, play area, landscaped communal area, two new pedestrian entrances, use of second existing vehicular entrance and carpark with all associated civil and site development works **Significant further information received on 21.7.23 includes revised site plan, floor plans, elevations, reduction on apartment no to 20no, revised landscape plan and revisions to existing car park entrance**
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application