File No |
Staus |
Type |
Decision |
Received Date |
Name |
Development Address |
Description |
041213 |
C |
07/09/2004 Tuesday |
Frank Holmes |
Old Golfs Links Road Dundalk
(P) Commercial entrance to zoned land and associated site development works |
06128 |
10/02/2006 Friday |
M.W Developments Ltd |
Old Golf Links Road Blackrock Haggardstown |
(P) A neighbourhood shopping centre (on the ground floor of a two storey building)comprising 6 retail outlets totalling 1144 sq metres with stand alone open plan offices over, containing 1014 sq metres, with separate entrances from ground floor. B) A dormer style medical centre containing 337 sq.metres on ground floor and 176sq metres at first floor.C) A single storey creche (152 sq metres)D) 156 residential units comprising of the following;One block (5 units) three storey high 3 bed duplex unit (ground floor unit is 9 bedroom special needs unit). One block (8 units) three storey high duplex unit (consisting of 4 no.three bed and 4 no.two bed units).54 no two storey high 4 bedroom detached dwelling houses, 22 no.two storey 3 bedroom semi-detached dwelling houses, 24 no.(6 blocks, 4 units per block) two storey 3 bedroom terraced dwelling houses, 40 no.(ten blocks, 4 units per block) two storey 2 bedroom apartment units, 1 no single storey special needs residence 487 sq.metres, 9 bedroom unit, 2 no. apartments contained in 1 no. two storey detached apartment block (one unit each floor)(E)Associated car parking, site development works and landscaping. |
06753 |
C |
13/06/2006 Tuesday |
MW Developments Ltd |
Old Golf Links Road Blackrock Haggardstown |
(P) Permission for (a) a neighbourhood shopping centre (on the ground floor of a 2 storey building) comprising 6 retail outlets totalling 1144sqm with stand alone open- plan offices over containing 1014sqm with separate entrances from ground floor (b)dormer style medical centre containing 337sqm on ground floor and 176sqm at first floor (c)single storey creche (152sqm) (d) 83 residential units comprising of the following: 18no. 2 storey high 4 bedroom detached dwellinghouses, 6no 2 storey 3 bedroom semi-detached dwelling houses, 24no (6 blocks, 4 units per block) 2 storey, 2 bedroom apartments units, 32no (8 blocks,4 units per block) 3 storey, 3 bedroom apartments units at ground level & 4 bedroom apartment units above, 1no. single storey special needs residence 487sqm, 9 bedroom unit, 2no apartments contained in 1no. 2 storey detached apartment block (one unit each floor)(e) associated carparking, site development works and landscaping. |
061786 |
C |
20/12/2006 Wednesday |
MW Development Ltd |
Old Golf Links Road Blackrock Haggardstown |
(P) alterations to residential development granted planning permission under planning reference no. 06/753 by way of the following:(a)deletion of 2 no. apartments at site numbers 15 and 15a Croch Shee View and replacement of same with 2 no. 2 storey semi-detached dwellings (b) change of house type to site numbers 1 and 2 Croch Shee View (c) alterations to the position and site boundaries of house 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 Croch Shee View (d) alterations to the position and rear boundareis of house numbers 24 and 25 Croch Shee View |
071329 |
C |
01/08/2007 Wednesday |
M.W. Developments Ltd. |
Old Golf Links Road Blackrock Haggardstown |
(P) for alterations to residential development granted planning permission under planning Ref. No. 06/1786 by way of the following, A: deletion of houses No's 1, 2, 19, 20, 24, & 25 previously granted permission under Ref. No. 06/1786. B: The replacement of the same with 6 No. total semi-detached 2 storey dwelling houses and 3 No. detached 2 storey dwelling houses which will involve the re-numbering of the dwellings already granted on Knock Shee View under planning Ref. No. 06/1786. |
1018 |
20/01/2010 Wednesday |
MW Developments Ltd |
Knock Shee Old Golf Links Road Blackrock |
Permission for the omission of 6 nr residential units (nrs 1-6 Knock Shee Crescent) previously granted under planning ref no. 06/753 & the erection of a creche (157m²) on the site |
1021 |
R |
22/01/2010 Friday |
MW Developments Ltd |
Knock Shee Old Golf Links Road Blackrock, Dundalk |
Outline Permission for a small district centre to be constructed in place of a neighbourhood shopping centre, offices, medical centre and creche granted under Planning Ref. No. 06/753 as part of a residential and mixed use development. The proposed small district centre shall comprise - at ground floor level; retail space comprising 2189m² to be divided into a number of various size retail units at Permission Consequent stage. At first floor level; a medical centre comprising 513m² and office space for professional services comprising 278m². All to be serviced by street level and basement car parking (153 spaces in total), bicycle parking (20 no. in total), charge point facility for electrical vehicles (5 no. bays) and bring bank facility, together with landscaping, boundary details and associated site development works. |
1043 |
C |
05/02/2010 Friday |
M.W. Developments Ltd. |
Knock Shee Old Golf Links Road Blackrock |
Permission for the omission of 6 no. residential units (nos. 1-6 Knock Shee Crescent) previously granted under Planning Ref. No. 06/753 and the erection of a creche (157sqm) on the site. Significant Further Information received included revisions to proposed creche to include for alterations to proposed elevations and internal layout, an increase in floor area, and amendments to boundary treatment |
1133 |
C |
31/01/2011 Monday |
MW Developments |
Old Golf Links Road Blackrock Dundalk |
Extension of duration for planning permission ref 06/753; P) Permission for (a) a neighbourhood shopping centre (on the ground floor of a 2 storey building) comprising 6 retail outlets totalling 1144sqm with stand alone open- plan offices over containing 1014sqm with separate entrances from ground floor (b)dormer style medical centre containing 337sqm on ground floor and 176sqm at first floor (c)single storey creche (152sqm) (d) 83 residential units comprising of the following: 18no. 2 storey high 4 bedroom detached dwellinghouses, 6no 2 storey 3 bedroom semi-detached dwelling houses, 24no (6 blocks, 4 units per block) 2 storey, 2 bedroom apartments units, 32no (8 blocks,4 units per block) 3 storey, 3 bedroom apartments units at ground level & 4 bedroom apartment units above, 1no. single storey special needs residence 487sqm, 9 bedroom unit, 2no apartments contained in 1no. 2 storey detached apartment block (one unit each floor)(e) associated carparking, site development works and landscaping. |
11139 |
C |
24/03/2011 Thursday |
M.W. Developments |
Old Golf Links Road Haggardstown Blackrock, Dundalk |
Extension of duration of planning permission 06/1786 comprising of (P) alterations to residential development granted planning permission under planning reference no. 06/753 by way of the following:(a)deletion of 2 no. apartments at site numbers 15 and 15a Croch Shee View and replacement of same with 2 no. 2 storey semi-detached dwellings (b) change of house type to site numbers 1 and 2 Croch Shee View (c) alterations to the position and site boundaries of house 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 Croch Shee View (d) alterations to the position and rear boundareis of house numbers 24 and 25 Croch Shee View |
14191 |
C |
06/06/2014 Friday |
B.W.H Developments Ltd |
Knockshee Old Golf Links Road Haggardstown |
Permission for completion of 6 no dwelling housee previously granted planning permission under planning ref no 07/1329 (4 no 2 storey semi-detached dwelling houses & 2 no 2 storey detached dwelling houses at site no's 1,2,3, 21, 22 & 23) |
15489 |
C |
27/07/2015 Monday |
B.W.H. Developments Limited |
Knockshee Old Golf Links Road Blackrock, Haggardstown |
Permission for development to consist of 17 no. dwelling houses consisting of 1 block containing 4 no. 2 storey 2-bed terrace dwelling houses and 2 blocks containing 5 no. 2 storey 3-bed terrace dwelling houses per block, 2 no. single storey 2 bed semi-detached and 1 no. single storey 2 bed detached dwelling and associated site development works. **Significant Further Information Received 10/03/16** |
18783 |
28/09/2018 Friday |
Remcoll Capital Limited |
Knockshee Old Golf Links Road Blackrock |
Permission to construct 50 residential units (consisting og;14# two storey 2 bed mid terrace dwellings, 14# two storey 3 bed end-of-terrace dwellings, 14# two storey, 3 bed semi-detached dwellings, 6# two storey, 4 bed semi-detached dwellings and 2# single storey, 4 bed assisted living dwellings) and all ancillary site works. |
18784 |
C |
28/09/2018 Friday |
Arbortree Investments Limited |
Knockshee Old Golf Links Road Blackrock |
Permission to construct an elderly care centre consisting of: (A) a two storey, 106 bed nursing home, (B) a 2 storey apartment structure containing 12# 2 bed assisted living units and, (C) a single storey laundry/utility structure (centralising storage and services regarding the other two structures) and all ancillary site works. |
2213 |
10/01/2022 Monday |
Thorhammer Ltd |
Knockshee Old Golf Links Road Blackrock, Co Louth |
permission for the construction of the following: 1. 3 no. buildings comprising of the following: (a) Building no. 1 which has ground floor retail, a community digital hub office accommodation on the first, second and third floors and a yoga, pilates and wellness centre with a juice bar and healthy snack facility on the fourth floor. (b) Building no. 2 which has ground floor retail, a community digital hub office accommodation on the first, second and third floors and a spa treatment and wellness centre on the fourth floor. (c) Building no. 3 which has ground floor retail, a community digital hub office accommodation on the first, second and third floors and a gymnasium and fitness centre on the fourth floor. 2. A landscaped public realm with hard landscaping seating areas, semi-mature planting etc. to the west of the site along the public road and also between buildings 1 and 2, centrally in the site. 3. Provision of new semi-mature, deciduous planting to the western and north western boundaries. 4. Provision of on-site carparking and bicycle parking. 5. Provision of a new foul sewer connection to the adjoining public foul sewer network. 6. Provision of storm water drainage including the installation of a storm water attenuation tank and connection to adjoining public storm water network. 7. Provision for a new water connection to the buildings from the adjoining public water main. 8. Provision of public lighting throughout the site. 9. Provision of on-site bin storage. 10. Provision to connect into existing adjoining road network and to construct new footpaths to service the proposed development. 11. Removal off-site of the existing pre-fabricated buildings to the font (south west) of the site. 12. All associated site development works |
22156 |
R |
01/03/2022 Tuesday |
Abortree Investments Ltd |
Knockshee Old Golf Links Road Blackrock, Co Louth |
permission for the construction of the following: 1. 3 no. buildings comprising of the following: (a) Building no. 1 which has ground floor retail, a community digital hub office accommodation on the first, second and third floors and a yoga, pilates and wellness centre with a juice bar and healthy snacks facility on the fourth floor. (b) Building no. 2 which has ground floor retail, a community digital hub office accommodation on the first, second and third floors and a spa treatment and wellness centre on the fourth floor. (c) Building no. 3 which has ground floor retail, a community digital hub office accommodation on the first, second and third floors and a gymnasium and fitness centre on the fourth floor. 2. A landscaped public realm with hard landscaping, seating areas, semi mature planting etc. to the west of the site along the public road and also between buildings 1 and 2, centrally in the site. 3. Provision of new semi mature, deciduous planting to the western and north western boundaries. 4. Provision of on-site carparking and bicycle parking. 5. Provision of a new foul sewer connection to the adjoining public foul sewer network. 6. Provision of storm water drainage including the installation of a storm water attenuation tank and connection to adjoining public storm water network. 7. Provision for a new water connection to the buildings from the adjoining public water main. 8. Provision of public lighting throughout the site. 9. Provision of on-site bin storage. 10. Provision to connect into existing adjoining road network and to connect new footpaths to service the proposed development. 11. Removal off-site of the existing prefabricated buildings to the front (south west) of the site. 12. All associated site development works |
67358 |
C |
01/01/1967 Sunday |
85489 |
C |
01/01/1985 Tuesday |
94236 |
C |
25/04/1994 Monday |