(P) Covers1ons of an attached garage and store to residential accommodation on a site previously granted permission under ref. 97/1014, 99/089, 02/584 and 03/052 at Ballybailie, Ardee.
Retention Permission - The retention and completion of boundary walls, entrance gates and steel railings to site boundaries of dwellinghouse previously granted permission under planning reference number 02/584 and for associated site works
Permission for Retention and completion of boundary walls, entrance gates and new hedgerows to a site previously granted permission under planning reference number 02/584 and for associated site works.
Retention and completion of boundary walls with new stone facade, for entrance gates and new timber post and rail fencing to a site previously granted Permission under planning reference number 02/584 and for associated siteworks
The development consists of (1) The retention of changes to the facade of the dwellinghouse comprising a new external door and the replacement of a window, (2) The retention of additional floor area within the dwellinghouse at first floor level comprising the flooring of a previously void area, (3) The retention of a single storey building, (4) The retention of a detached building as constructed and converted from garage use to a detached granny flat. *Significant Further Information Received on 09/07/2019 provided for, in addition to the above: (5) the replacement of a septic tank system with a waste water treatment system and a soil polishing filter, (6) a link corridor between the garage and house buildings and for associated siteworks*
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application