Permission consequent - on the grant of outline permission ref 06/1501 (site no. 3), development to consist of a single storey dwelling with proprietary waste water treatment system, percolation area and ancillary site works and services
Permission Consequent for development to consist of a single storey dwelling with proprietary waste water treatment system, percolation area and all associated site works and services
Permission consequent for development consisiting of a single storey dwelling with proprietary waste water treatment system, percolation area and all ancillary site works and services
Retention permission for development that consists of (1) Single storey rear extension consisting of WC's, enlarged bar and lounge areas. (2) Detached single storey hospitality supplies storage units at rear (13msq and 33msq) (3) Two storey corner extension at rear, consisting of 2 guest bedroom suites at first floor and breakfast area at ground floor, (4) Smoking shelter at rear and landscaping works to main grounds and courtyard, (5) Change of use of existing stable-block to 10 No. guest bedroom suites. (6) Change of use of single stable units to 3 guest bedroom suites at Darver Castle, a Protected Structure ID No:LHS 011-028. *Significant Further Information received on 02/12/2021*
Permission to install a photovoltaic system and associated works at the rear of the site of Darver Castle, a Protected Structure ID No: LHS 011-028. *Further information received on 14.7.22*