Planning Application: 05510291 (Louth County Council )
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Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Ms Martha Owens
Applicant Address:
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
Demolition of existing office building and construction of new mixed use development over 3 and 5 storeys, consisting of circa. 295sqm of retail at ground and first floor level, with 28sqm lower ground level storage, and 9 no. 1 and 2 bed apts over lower ground level parking area. The development will also include for the construction of a new ESB substation and associated development drainage and ancillary works.
Development Address:
51 St Laurence Street, and 28a Bachelors Lane, Drogheda
Demolition of existing office building and construction of new mixed use development over 3 and 5 storeys, consisting of circa. 295sqm of retail at ground and first floor level, with 28sqm lower ground level storage, and 9 no. 1 and 2 bed apts over lower ground level parking area. The development will also include for the construction of a new ESB substation and associated development drainage and ancillary works.
51 St Laurence Street & 28a Bachelors Lane, Drogheda County Louth
Extension of Duration of Planning Permission ref 05/291 which consists of Demolition of existing office building and construction of new mixed use development over 3 and 5 storeys, consisting of circa. 295sqm of retail at ground and first floor level, with 28sqm lower ground level storage, and 9 no. 1 and 2 bed apts over lower ground level parking area. The development will also include for the construction of a new ESB substation and associated development drainage and ancillary works.
Permission for a change of use of (a) part of existing basement floor area from storage to studio/ office & (b) 1st & 2nd floor over existing shop from office use to 2 number 1 bedroom apartments with access from St Laurence Street. It is also proposed to develop rear yard area to an area for off street parking & a multi purpose amenity courtyard and all ancillary internal modifications & site development works.
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application