Planning Application: 04697 (Louth County Council )
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Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Patrick Grant
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
(P) change of house type relating to plots no. 1-15. The changes include (a) minor admendments to unit 1-6 to provide toilet at ground floor level in accordance with Part M of the Building Regulations, (b) in addition units 35,8,10,14 are modified to provide covered alleyways to permit access to rear gardens for servicing. First floor of the above said units will oversail this access, (c) the modification of the ground of units 7-15 to incorporate separate lounge and kitchen/dining area and repositioning of wc along with new utility room (d) the minor changes to first floor layout of all units (e) the modification of all units to provide a stone floor clad porch on the main elevation
(P)Change of house type relating to plot numbers 1 to 15 incl.(a)minor amendments to units 1-6 to provide toilet @ ground flr level in accordance with part M of the building regulations (b)in addition units 3,5,8,10,14 are modified to provide covered alleyways to permit access to rear grdns for servicing. First flr to above said units will over sail this access. (c)Modification of ground flor of units 7-15 to incorporate seperate lounge and kitchen/dining area and repositioning of w/c along with new utility room. (d)minor changes to first flr layout of all units. (e)modifications of all units to provide a stone clad porch on the main elevation. This relates to previously granted permission. Ref: 99555 - housing development consisting of demolition of existing residential buildings and construction of 31 residential units
(P) 6 number apartments including communal circulation area, 6 houses and associated site works and parking, to replace previously granted permission no 99/555
(P) change of house type relating to plot numbers 16 - 21. The changes include (a) the addition of a sun lounge to the rear of the dwellings at ground floor level to be single storey in height (b) to create roofspace accommodation with the provision of velux rooflights to rear within the existing granted roof space heights and all associated and ancillary siteworks (previously granted permission ref. nos 99/555 and 05/623)