File No |
Staus |
Type |
Decision |
Received Date |
Name |
Development Address |
Description |
041170 |
C |
27/08/2004 Friday |
Noel Thompson Builders Ltd |
Old Golf Links Road Blackrock |
(P) 67 houses - 15 no. detached 3 storey, 32 no semi detached 3 storey, 8 no semi detached 2 storey, 8 no terraced 2 storey and 4 no apartments 2 storey and all associated site development works. |
051519 |
C |
21/10/2005 Friday |
Andrews Construction Ltd |
Old Golf Links Road Blackrock Co Louth |
(P) The construction of 74 dwellings: 65 houses consisting of 22 no 4 bedroom detached houses, 2 storey with a third floor in the roof space, 30 no 4 bedroom semi-detached houses, 2 storey with a third floor in the roof space, 8 no.3bedroom semi-detached 2 storey houses, 5 no 3 bedroom terrace 2 storey houses; and 9 no 2 bed apartments, in a 2 storey block with a third floor in the roof space. Permission is also sought for a new access off the Old Golf Links Road and all other ancillary site development works associated with the development on their land. |
11440 |
R |
08/09/2011 Thursday |
Andrews Construction |
Old Golf Links Road Blackrock Dundalk |
**Judicial review decision on 14/02/12 ordered to GRANT permsision for 5 year extension of duration to 30/10/16** Extension of duration of planning permission 05/1519 which consists of Permission for the construction of 74 dwellings: 65 houses consisting of 22 no 4 bedroom detached houses, 2 storey with a third floor in the roof space, 30 no 4 bedroom semi-detached houses, 2 storey with a third floor in the roof space, 8 no.3bedroom semi-detached 2 storey houses, 5 no 3 bedroom terrace 2 storey houses; and 9 no 2 bed apartments, in a 2 storey block with a third floor in the roof space. Permission is also sought for a new access off the Old Golf Links Road and all other ancillary site development works associated with the development on their land. |
2360054 |
31/03/2023 Friday |
Andrews Construction Ltd. |
Old Golf Links Road Haggardstown Dundalk |
Planning permission for the development of 37 no. residential units at Old Golf Links Road, Haggardstown, Dundalk, Co. Louth, a site of circa 1.68 hectares. The proposed development will comprise; the demolition of an existing single storey dwelling (102 sqm) and associated outbuildings; the construction of 37 no. residential units (all two storey), comprising: 1 no. three-bed cottage, 32 no. three-bed houses and 4 no. four-bed houses; formation of 4,067 sqm of landscaped open space areas; 69 no. ‘in-curtilage’ car parking spaces, 10 no. ‘visitor’ parking spaces; a new primary vehicular and pedestrian access to the proposed development will be provided and associated residential estate roads. The proposal includes all associated hard and soft landscaping, boundary treatments, footpaths and ancillary works above and below ground as includes an ESB Substation |
2360113 |
R |
22/05/2023 Monday |
Andrews Construction Ltd. |
Old Golf Links Road Haggardstown Dundalk |
Planning permission for the development of 37 no. residential units at Old Golf Links Road, Haggardstown, Dundalk, Co. Louth, a site of circa 1.68 hectares. The proposed development will comprise; the demolition of an existing single storey dwelling (102 sqm) and associated outbuildings; the construction of 37 no. residential units (all two storey), comprising: 1 no. three-bed cottage, 32 no. three-bed houses and 4 no. four-bed houses; formation of 4,067 sqm of landscaped open space areas; 69 no. ‘in-curtilage’ car parking spaces, 10 no. ‘visitor’ parking spaces; a new primary vehicular and pedestrian access to the proposed development will be provided and associated residential estate roads. The proposal includes all associated hard and soft landscaping, boundary treatments, footpaths and ancillary works above and below ground as includes an ESB Substation |