Permission for the construction of a single storey dormer style "granny flat" extension, complete with connection to existing dwelling, additional own entrance, attic accommodation to front, side, and rear of existing two storey detached dwelling, and new porch along the front facade of the existing dwelling.
Permission for the construction of a dormer style extension to the side of existing dwelling with "granny flat" style accommodation at ground floor level and living accommodation at first floor level, complete with associated alterations to existing front and rear elevations, and all ancillary works. Extension to include 2no. "Velux" type rooflights to front and 4no. "Velux" type rooflights to rear.
Permission for the construction of a dormer style extension to the side of existing dwelling with "granny flat" style accommodation at ground floor level and living accommodation at first - floor level, complete with associated alterations to existing front and rear elevations, and all ancillary works. Extension to include 2no. "Velux" type rooflights to front and 4no. "Velux" type rooflights to rear.