(P) Two storey extensions and alterations to an existing single storey dwellinghouse along with demolition of an existing shed and its relocation as ancillary space to the rear of the existing dwelling house including all associated site works.
(P) Two storey extension and alterations to an existing single storey dwellinghouse, which is a protected structure, along with the demolition of an existing shed and its relocation as ancillary space to the rear of the existing dwellinghouse, including all assoc site works
Permission for renovation of existing derelict structure to playroom / home gym to ground floor & art studio to first floor & all associated site work. Located within the curtilage of a protected structure LHS009-032
Permission for renovation of existing nderelict structure to playroom/home gym to ground floor and art studio to first floor and all associated site works. Located within the curtilage of protected structure LHS 009-032
Permission for renovation of existing derelict structure to playroom/home gym to ground floor and art studio to first flooor and all associated site works. Located within the curtilage of Protected Structure LHS009-032
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application