Planning Application: 21286 (Longford County Council)
File Number:
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Planning Status:
Received Date:
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Leave to Appeal:
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Commenced Date:
Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Seamus Gallagher
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
the proposed change of use of existing public house & first floor level habitable accommodation into a mixed use building consisting of a remote working hub area and self catering apartments which includes the following; (i) reception, kitchen/canteen, office, meeting room, individual hub stations, hot desk are as & an accessible self catering apartment on ground floor level & (ii) 6 no. self catering apartments at first floor level. Full planning permission is also being sought for the proposed conversion of the existing attic space into habitable accommodation together with the proposed change of use of existing ground floor level domestic garage for use as part of the above mentioned remote working hub and also the proposed construction of an extension above the existing ground floor level domestic garage to form part of the above mentioned first floor level self catering apartment development and all ancillary works
the proposed change of use of existing public house & first floor level habitable accommodation into a mixed use building consisting of a remote working hub area and self catering apartments which includes the following; (i) reception, kitchen/canteen, office, meeting room, individual hub stations, hot desk areas & an accessible self catering apartment on ground floor level & (ii) 6 no. self catering apartments at first floor level. Full planning permission is also being sought for the proposed conversion of the existing attic space into habitable accommodation together with the proposed change of use of existing ground floor level domestic garage for use as part of the above mentioned remote working hub and also the proposed construction of an extension above the existing ground floor level domestic garage to form part of the above mentioned first floor level self catering apartment development and all ancillary works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application