Limerick Enterprise Development Partnership Limited
Limerick Enterprise Development ParkChilders Southern Ring Roads,
The Development will consist of the demolition of 1 no. existing dwelling and all ancillary structures on the site and for the constructionof a development involving a single story discount foodstore (gross floor area 1,276 sq.m)(Net retail area 850 sq m.). The development includes 118 car parking spaces all associated landscaping & site development works on 0.56 hectares (1.38 acres) site a Limerick Enterprise development Park, Childers Road/South Ring road, Roxborough, Limerick, access to the site is from the Childers Road/Southern Ring Road, Limerick.
the development will consist of the change of use of 134.5sq.m. of existing office/industrial space to proposed Cafe, within the existing LEDP Building, along with the insertion of new doors and glazed screens, and proposed new awning to front elevation, and associated site works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application