Planning Application: 21298 (Laois County Council )
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Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Matt Colgan
Applicant Address:
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
construct 99 nr. detached dwelling houses (consisting of 49nr. two-storey, 5 bedroom houses, 28nr. two-storey 4 bedroom houses, 9nr. two-storey 3-bedroom houses, 4nr. dormer, 4-bedroom houses, 9 nr. single- storey, 2 bedroom houses), a single storey creche/childcare centre, a new estate entrance off an existing access road on the east side of the Killenard Road L3171, a pedestrian link to the Ballycarroll Road L7172, the demolition / removal of a derelict farm building to the village end of the site, all estate roads, boundaries, landscaping, a play area, related and ancillary services and associated site-works including a foul drainage piped outfall through adjacent, existing agricultural lands to the north and a pipped storm drainage outfall through existing agricultural lands to the east.
Development Address:
Ballycarroll and Tierhoger,, Killenard,, Portarlington,, Co. Laois
Ballycarroll and Tierhoger, Killenard, Portarlington,
the construction of 99 nr. detached houses (consisting of 49nr. two-storey, 5 bedroom houses, 28nr. two-storey 4 bedroom houses, 9nr. two-storey 3-bedroom houses, 4nr. dormer, 4-bedroom houses, 9 nr. single- storey, 2 bedroom houses), a single storey creche/childcare centre, a new estate entrance off an existing access road on the east side of the Killenard Road L3171, a pedestrian link to the Ballycarroll Road L7172, the demolition / removal of a derelict farm building to the village end of the site, all estate roads, boundaries, landscaping, a play area, related and ancillary services and associated site-works including a foul drainage piped outfall through adjacent, existing agricultural lands to the north and a pipped storm drainage outfall through existing agricultural lands to the east.
Ballycarroll and Tierhoger, Killenard, Portarlington,
construct 99 nr. detached dwelling houses (consisting of 49nr. two-storey, 5 bedroom houses, 28nr. two-storey 4 bedroom houses, 9nr. two-storey 3-bedroom houses, 4nr. dormer, 4-bedroom houses, 9 nr. single- storey, 2 bedroom houses), a single storey creche/childcare centre, a new estate entrance off an existing access road on the east side of the Killenard Road L3171, a pedestrian link to the Ballycarroll Road L7172, the demolition / removal of a derelict farm building to the village end of the site, all estate roads, boundaries, landscaping, a play area, related and ancillary services and associated site-works including a foul drainage piped outfall through adjacent, existing agricultural lands to the north and a piped storm drainage outfall through existing agricultural lands to the east.
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application