construct 153 dwellings consist of 23no 2storey 2bed terr dwellings 6no 2storey 3bed terr dwellings 58 2storey 3bed semidet dwelling (1with single storey det garage) 36no 2storey 4bed semidet dwelling (3 with det single storey garage) 28no 2storey 4bed det dwelling 2no 2storey structures each with creche & each with 1no 2bed apt with unit on 1st floor construct a 2storey comm retail bldg comprising 4 retail units on ground floor also having ancillary accom on 1st floor level & 3 office units at 1st floor level: demolition of whelans garage & assoc remediation works & site level & landscaping works including provision of 50space surface carparking to serve the non-residential elements of the scheme, vehicular access to serve the development is proposed via a new junction situated off the N78 connecting Athy to Castlecomer & all associated site works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application