Planning Application: 17456 (Kilkenny County Council )
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Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Peter Purcell
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
c/o Peter Thomson Planning Solutions, 4 Priory Grove, Kells , Co. Kilkenny
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
Permission for the development of a 24 hour opening Motorway Service Area to include:
1. Vehicle fuelling station with 12 no. bays and a 2 bay HGV fuelling station with canopy;
2. A single storey services building with canopy including: convenience store (incorporation full off sales for the sale of alcohol) (100m2); food court with cafe and restaurant uses, including take away facilities; indoor play area; offices and reception with tourist information; public toilet changing and shower facilities; plant room; storage and associated services;
3. A single storey roofed enclosure attached to the rear of the services building and associated yard for storage and services; and
4. External facilities and works include picnic, play, amenity and rest areas; bicycle parking; car and HGV parking spaces, electrical vehicle charging points; upgrading of existing vehicular entrance from the R704, signage, on site waste water treatment system, including percolation area and all associated site development works
Permission for the development of a 24 hour opening Motorway Service Area to include:
1. Vehicle fuelling station with 12 no. bays and a 2 bay HGV fuelling station with canopy;
2. A single storey services building with canopy including: convenience store (incorporation full off sales for the sale of alcohol) (100m2); food court with cafe and restaurant uses, including take away facilities; indoor play area; offices and reception with tourist information; public toilet changing and shower facilities; plant room; storage and associated services;
3. A single storey roofed enclosure attached to the rear of the services building and associated yard for storage and services; and
4. External facilities and works include picnic, play, amenity and rest areas; bicycle parking; car and HGV parking spaces, electrical vehicle charging points; upgrading of existing vehicular entrance from the R704, signage, on site waste water treatment system, including percolation area and all associated site development works
for the provision of a 24 hours opening Service Area and Electric Vehicle charging hub and all associated works on a site of approximately 1.83 hectares in area. The proposed development includes 20 no. EV charging points (parking spaces) with a canopy over (maximum height of 3.21 metres); 6 no. general vehicle fuel pumps islands with a canopy over (maximum height of 5.6 metres) and HGV fuel pumps with underground fuel storage tanks and ancillary pipe works. Provision is made for an amenity/services building with a gross floor area of approximately 1.028sq.m that includes: a retail convenience store with part off-licence (total 100 sq.m net sales area; including ancillary off-licence of 10sq.m); 2 no food outlets (1 no. with a Drive-Thru function) and a coffee area, communal seating area, ancillary food preparation area, internal circulation area, toilets and back of house area including storage and office. The service area building will be predominantly 6.5m high, with a central 'pop-up' measuring 7.9m high (containing screened plant). Externally, provision is made for external seating; screened storage area; 63 no. standard car parking spaces, 4 bo. accessible spaces, 2 no. service bays, 2 no. waiting bays, 3 no. coach parking spaces, and 14 no. HGV parking spaces, 8 no. bicycle parking spaces. A total of 37 no. signs (both illumniated and non-illuminated) are proposed (with a cumulative area of approximately 208 sq.m) to include both wall mounted signage and free-standing. The totem signs will measure 8.83m and 17.5m high. Provision of on-site temporary foul treatment system and percolation area as granted on the site under Reg. Ref. 18/647. Realigned access road and new pedestrian path linking back to the existing footpath network in Mullinavat Village (as previously conditioned for a motorway service area on this site under Reg. Ref. P17/456). Other associated works include the provision of an ESB sub-station (28sq.m); regrading of existing site levels; and all other ancillary site development, utilities, landscaping, lighting, roof mounted PV panels and boundary works.
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application