20259 |
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12/03/2020 Thursday |
Alder Clover Limited |
at the former Lidl Distribution Centre, Great Connell Business Park, Great Connell, Newbridge, |
a seven-year permission for development for the change of use of the (distribution) warehouse element of the development (identified as Blocks B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K1 and L) to beverage manufacturing use, including construction of additional development identified as Blocks K2 and M, respectively, and for ancillary works; and for retention permission for development (for the retention of an additional 376 sqm of office accommodation in the permitted three-storey office block (Block A), and for the retention of an additional 789 m of development in the permitted warehouse) (Blocks B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K1 and L), on a site of 7.42 ha approximately, at the former Lidl Distribution Centre, Great Connell Business Park, Greatconnell, Newbridge, County Kildare, W12 NN23. (The permitted use of the existing office block (Block A) (4,138 sq m, inclusive of the retention area) is not affected.) The gross floor area of the premises (inclusive of retention areas) will increase from 31,986 sq m to 34,191 sq m, an increase of 2,205 sq m. The beverage manufacturing facility is designed to be delivered in two phases, identified as Phases 1 and 2 respectively. (An overflow carpark located to the south west of the subject site does not form part of the Application.) etc. Please see Newspaper Notice for full description: The development will also consist of the construction of; revised vehicular, cyclist and pedestrian access; reconfiguration of part of the existing permitted car parking to provide 209 No. car parking spaces (inclusive of electric car charging points), 40 No. bicycle parking spaces and associated infrastructure; goods’ intake and storage areas; external chiller and condensing units and associated louvre screening; a tank farm comprising of 10 No. tanks and associated stairs, gantries, and enclosures to a tank height of 4.5m above yard level (Block K2); a wastewater treatment plant (consisting of 2 No. aeration and 2 No. equalisation tanks with associated pipework, stairs, gantries, and enclosures to a tank height of 5.5 metres above yard level) (Block M); 1 No. sludge press, DAF water treatment, associated chemical storage, blower and plant room building to a height of 4 metres above yard level and 1 No. sprinkler tank, 5.5 metres above yard level, and associated pump house and site wide ancillary barrier and bollard protections; the provision of revised lighting, etc. Please see Newspaper Notice for full description
2231 |
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14/01/2022 Friday |
Alder Clover Limited, |
Great Connell Business Park, Great Connell, Newbridge, |
development on a site of 7.42 ha approximately. The development consists of internal and external alterations to the beverage manufacturing facility (formerly the Lidl Distribution Centre) permitted under Kildare County Council Planning Register Reference 20/259. The external alterations for which retention permission is sought consist of: alterations to permitted landscaping including alterations to the southeast boundary berm (14m in width and 2.6m in height) and southern corner of the site and provision of 2 No. additional grass berms (10m in width and 2.6m in height) to the northwest boundary of the site; alterations to the dimensions of the permitted sprinkler tank (the permitted tank was 16.5m in diameter and 4m in height; the new tank is 13.3m in diameter and 10m in height) and pump house to the northwest corner of the site; replacement of permitted underground firewater attenuation tank with above ground firewater attenuation tank (the new tank is 13.3m in diameter and 12m in height) and associated pump with protective barrier to the front (1.1m in height), to the northwest boundary of the site; alterations to permitted chiller units and fencing (2.4m in height) to northwest of the site; alterations to permitted wastewater treatment plant (the permitted plant was 7.3m in height; the new plant is 8m in height at maximum) including provision of associated 1 No. storey control and air blower building (117 sqm) to northeast of the site; alterations to permitted tank farm (the permitted tank farm was 4.8m in height; the new tank farm is 8.5m in height at maximum), and provision of truck unloading zone and partially buried sump tank (9m in length, 4m in width and 0.5m in height) with protective railings (1.5m in height) to southeast of the site; alterations to the road alignment to the south of the site to provide for improved fire tender access; provision of an additional Gas Networks Ireland gas skid and palisade fence (2.4m in height) resulting in the loss of 1 No. car parking space to the southern corner of the site; alterations to layout of permitted Electric Vehicle parking spaces and bicycle stands to the southwest of the site; provision of extended plant area at roof level and associated supporting structure to facilitate larger Air Handling Units to the southwest of the site; provision of additional doors (2 No. on northwest elevation; 1 No. on southwest elevation; and 2 No. on southeast elevation); provision of additional access stairs contd. |