alterations to the site to that previously granted under planning file references 96/1777 & 98/1181. The alterations include the following: (a) retention permission for change in external footprint, elevations and internal configurations of the extension granted under planning file ref. 98/1181. (b) retention permission for the revised location of the canteen building to the front (north-east) elevation. Retention permission is also sought for the ground floor staff facilities and first floor offices in the canteen building. (c) retention permission for the revised location of the workshop to the rear (south west) elevation. (d) retention permission for the change of use of the existing two storey type house for office use. Retention permission also sought for the adjacent existing shipping container for office use. (e) retention permission for the loading bay and increased footprint of the offal facility to the rear (south-west elevation). (f) planning permission for new extension containing a pallet store to the side (north west) elevation. (g) planning permission for extension to the existing car park to the front (north-east) of the building to provide 87 no. additional car parking spaces including provision for 20% electric car charging spaces and all associated siteworks. The site as required by the nature of its activity holds an IPC License, reference number PO192-02
a) retention of extension to existing abattoir; b) erection of new beef slaughter line, deboning hall, meat storage chills, new loading area, offices, canteen and effluent treatment plant
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application