(1) Extensions to Tile Manufacturing Building previously permitted under reg. Ref. 17/1224 and ABP Ref. 302199/18 comprising of: (a) Lean-to extension for carpentry storage (99sqm gross floor area, max 8.5m high) to the south eastern building elevation; (b) Lean-to extension for casting components/build materials storage (630sqm gross floor area, max 8.5m high) to the south eastern building elevation; (c) Two storey (max 9.5m high) extension consisting of welfare/office facilities at mezzanine level (270sqm gross floor area) and additional storage at ground floor level (270sqm gross floor area) to north eastern building elevation; (d) New wastewater treatment system and percolation area. (2) Construction of two storey office extension (298sqm gross floor area, 7.6m high) to the existing south western elevation of the Dry Batch Mortar Building also previously permitted under Reg. Ref. 17/1224 and ABP Reg. Ref. 302199/18. (3) A new bagging shed (240sqm gross floor area, max 8.0m high). All associated site works. It is proposed that the duration of the proposed development would run concurrent with that of Planning Ref. 17/1224 and ABP-302199-18, which is due to expire on 17/02/2039, development
a new extension (max 11m high with a gross floor area of 3,000m²) to an existing manufacturing building (previously permitted under Reg. Ref. 20/140; Reg. Ref. 17/1224 and ABP Ref. No. 302199-18) to provide storage for precast concrete products and all ancillary works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application