the use of PJ Tougher’s Garage and yard including the use of the 2.37 hectare yard for vehicle and container storage and repair, Retention permission for the following buildings: Building A) 553.3m² Workshop and Tyre storage and reception,
Building B) 152.2m² Workshop and storage, Building C) 29.8m² Auto depot tyre sales unit and storage, Building D) 40.0m² Prefabricated canteen and office, Building E) 6.6m² WC, Building F) 369.1m² Workshop and storage, Building G) 29.1m² Storage Shed, Building H) 27.1m² Reception, canteen and WC, Container 1) 57.5m² steel storage container, Container 2) 12.5m² steel storage container, and Retention of increased ground levels on portion of site through the importation of inert material. The development for which Permission is sought will consist of: Visitor and staff car parking, pedestrian walkways and all associated boundary treatments, site works and services
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application