(a) 2no. mobile recycling units for the purposes of recycling building aggregates/concrete/tarmac etc, (b) storage of aggregates, (c) machinery maintenance shed including office, canteen and toilets, weighbridge,(d) effluent treatment plant, etc
New site boundary treatment consisting of 3 metre high raised soil berm, screen planting and post & wire fence along eastern and northern field boundaries to include the extended lands within the permitted recycling facility site. The proposed works will provide full screening of the permitted facility.
(A) Retention Planning Permission for machinery storage shed. (B) Retention Permission for storm water attenuation/storage tanks and associated silt separation building and all other site surface water drainage works discharging to onsite soakpits. (C) Full Planning Permission for new waste codes accepted on site. revised by Significant Further Information which consists of (a) new waste water treatment system and associated works, (b) revised drainage layout and all associated site works
(a) New portal frame shed over recycling area / recycling plant. (b) Extend the lands within the recycling facility site to include new 3 meter high raised soil berm and provide extensive screen planting. The extended area will provide for extra storage and parking (c) Full planning permission for new waste codes accepted on site
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application