change of use of the site and all buildings and structures thereon, pursuant to Condition No. 8 of Kildare County Council Planning Permission Ref. 02/1546, from truck assembly and fabrication, engineering workshop and ancillary facilities, to a use comprising primarily of the collection and the storage and the appropriate treatment (ancillary de-pollution of vehicles only) of accident damaged vehicles and the delivery or collection thereof by customers who have purchased such vehicles, primarily by way of on-line auctions. Associated works include the closure of an existing vehicular access to the site and replacement thereof with a new vehicular access in a position approximately 15.8m to the west thereof, together with the reinstatement of the palisade fence that defines the front boundary of the site. Permission is also sought for the provision of landscaping and new planting along the front (northern) and side (eastern) boundaries of the site and replacement of an existing septic tank with a new bio-cycle on-site waste water treatment system and associated percolation area.
The erection and display of seven (No. 7) non-illuminated advertisement signs, comprising 2 No. signs, fixed to the palisade metal fence defining the front boundary of the site – one on each side of the vehicular entrance to the site. These signs measure 2.25m x 1.5m in area and will be fixed approximately 0.6m above ground level; 1 No. high level wall mounted sign to the northern elevation of the main building on site, measuring approximately 7.5m x 3m in area at a level of approximately 5m above ground level; 1 No. wall mounted sign, measuring 2.8m x 0.6m at a level of 2.25m above ground level to the eastern elevation of the existing portacabin structure on site; 2 No. wall mounted signs to the front (northern) elevation of the existing portacabin on site. These signs measure 0.6m x 1.8m and 0.75m x 0.345m in area respectively, plus 1 No. free standing directional sign situated within the yard area to the east of the existing building and south of the entrance to the site. This sign measures approximately 3m in height and 1.5m in width
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application