File No |
Staus |
Type |
Decision |
Received Date |
Name |
Development Address |
Description |
091225 |
C |
30/10/2009 Friday |
NUI Maynooth |
South Campus NUI Maynooth Maynooth |
for a development which consists of proposed enabling works for the future planning application for the new extension and refurbishment of the existing John Paul II library, consisting of ; proposed new roundabout to the Kilcock Road locateopposite the existing vehicular entrance to the NUI Maynooth North Campus, and the forming of a new access road into St. Patricks lands (South Campus) by way of a culvert bridge over the existing Mill Race, and the demolition of an approximate 15m length of existing stone wall to the Mill race, giving access to existing car parks to the west of the existing library. Proposed traffic calming works to Kilcock Road to the east of the new roundabout narrowing the existing vehicular carriageway by means of including new footpath and grass verge with associated new tree planting and street lighting to the south side of Kilcock Road and the inclusion of new cycle paths to both sides of Kilcock Road and two vehicular carriageways. The proposed construction of a new toucan crossing across Kilcock Road, approximately 140m east of the new roundabout, linking the North and South campus at grade. The proposed removal of the existing pedestrian footbridge spanning over Kilcock Road. Proposed relocation of the existing John Paul II statue including existing granite sets currently located to the east of the existing library entrance. Proposed new pedestrian footbridge over the Lyreen River linking temporary footpaths and temporary landscaping works adjacent to the proposed new position of the John Paul II statue. Proposed removal of existing pedestrian footbridge over the Lyreen River. Proposed temporary bridge over the Lyreen River and temporary access ramp to new temporary entrance created on the south elevation of the existing library. Proposed making good and the temporary blocking up of the existing library entrance on the east elevation and associated works. Proposed removal of selected trees and associated site works, including the removal, relocation and installation of existing and proposed site services. Proposed refurbishment works to the existing services compound to the north of the existing library including the removal of existing oil storage units and the construction of new ESB substation. Proposed flood protection to a section of the Lyreen River which flows past the existing John Paul II library. |
091379 |
C |
10/12/2009 Thursday |
National University of Ireland Maynooth |
John Paul 11 Library South Campus National University of Ireland, Maynooth |
For development at this site; lands adjacent to John Paul 11 Library, South Campus, National University Ireland, Maynooth. The proposed extension works comprise of the following: Library and associated space at ground floor including new student café area, first floor and second floor plans with a plant room enclosure at roof level, providing a gross floor area of 5838m2 of new library space together with a glazed atrium link to the existing library. External works including a proposed new library plaza to the east of the new extension, two new pedestrian bridges over the existing mill race, linking to the new toucan crossing (crossing part of previous planning application ref. 09/1225) to the north of the new plaza. Partial demolition of existing Mill race wall circa 37m long, associated landscape works including planting of new trees to replace trees removed in previous planning application (ref 09/1225), new bin stores and recycling area, and reconfigured car parking and loading bay. Works to the existing John Paul 11 Library building include the refurbishment of the ground floor, minor alterations to the existing façade and removal of the temporary entrance established in planning application 09/1225
101301 |
C |
23/12/2010 Thursday |
Trustees of St. Patrick's College Maynooth, |
St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. |
for development on a site of 23.7 Ha. The subject lands are located within the St. Patrick’s College Maynooth campus and are bound to the north by the Kilcock Road and the Lyreen River, to the east by Parson’s Street and Main Street, to the west by campus lands and to the south by the Royal Canal and Dublin-Sligo Rail Line. The development is for access and car parking improvements which consist of alterations to the existing access arrangement from Parson’s Street, the provision of two no. new car parks and revisions to existing car parking areas to provide 152 no. additional car parking spaces on the campus. The proposal includes the demolition of a pre-fab building in the area where Car Park A is to be provided. The revised access arrangement from Parson’s Street will involve alterations to the existing entrance gate arrangement, a protected structure, to include the widening of the access by some 1.98 metres and the provision of two separate pedestrian access points. The works in this area also provide for vehicular and pedestrian improvement measures. The proposal involves the provision of two new car parks: Car Park A is located to the south west of Logic House and provides 128 no. car parking spaces and involves the demolition of a pre-fab building. Car Park P is located to the west of the proposed access road between the Kilcock Road and the John Paul II Library, approved under Reg. Ref.: 09/1225, and provides 160 no. new spaces. The proposal involves an extension of Car Park E, which is located to the north east of Riverstown House, to provide a total of 54 no. car parking spaces in this location. The proposal includes minor realignment and landscaping works to the access road between revised Car Park E and proposed Car Park A. The proposal also involves minor realignment and marking changes to formalise the following car parks: Car Park G is located to the east of Stoyte House and will provide 20 no. revised car parking spaces. Car Park I is located to the north of New House and will provide 10 no. revised car parking spaces. Car Park K is located to the east of Aula Maxima building and to the south of the Computer Centre and provides 29 no. revised car parking spaces. Car Park L is located to the east of the Columba Centre and provides 5 no. revised car parking spaces. The development also provides for all associated landscaping and site development works. The Entrance Gate and Boundary Walls, Stoyte House, New House, etc. |
16330 |
C |
01/04/2016 Friday |
Trustees of St. Patrick's College Maynooth, |
St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. |
Extension of Duration of Ref. 10/1301 for development on a site of 23.7 Ha. The subject lands are located within the St. Patrick’s College Maynooth campus and are bound to the north by the Kilcock Road and the Lyreen River, to the east by Parson’s Street and Main Street, to the west by campus lands and to the south by the Royal Canal and Dublin-Sligo Rail Line. The development is for access and car parking improvements which consist of alterations to the existing access arrangement from Parson’s Street, the provision of two no. new car parks and revisions to existing car parking areas to provide 152 no. additional car parking spaces on the campus. The proposal includes the demolition of a pre-fab building in the area where Car Park A is to be provided. The revised access arrangement from Parson’s Street will involve alterations to the existing entrance gate arrangement, a protected structure, to include the widening of the access by some 1.98 metres and the provision of two separate pedestrian access points. The works in this area also provide for vehicular and pedestrian improvement measures. The proposal involves the provision of two new car parks: Car Park A is located to the south west of Logic House and provides 128 no. car parking spaces and involves the demolition of a pre-fab building. Car Park P is located to the west of the proposed access road between the Kilcock Road and the John Paul II Library, approved under Reg. Ref.: 09/1225, and provides 160 no. new spaces. The proposal involves an extension of Car Park E, which is located to the north east of Riverstown House, to provide a total of 54 no. car parking spaces in this location. The proposal includes minor realignment and landscaping works to the access road between revised Car Park E and proposed Car Park A. The proposal also involves minor realignment and marking changes to formalise the following car parks: Car Park G is located to the east of Stoyte House and will provide 20 no. revised car parking spaces. Car Park I is located to the north of New House and will provide 10 no. revised car parking spaces. Car Park K is located to the east of Aula Maxima building and to the south of the Computer Centre and provides 29 no. revised car parking spaces. Car Park L is located to the east of the Columba Centre and provides 5 no. revised car parking spaces. The development also provides for all associated landscaping and site development works. The Entrance Gate and Boundary Walls, |