File No |
Staus |
Type |
Decision |
Received Date |
Name |
Development Address |
Description |
053002 |
C |
21/12/2005 Wednesday |
Murphy International |
Great Connell Newbridge Co. Kildare |
modifications and extension to existing fitters work shop to include the following: (a) Re-cladding to match existing offices and fabrication work shop as granted under planning permission register ref. no. 03/679, (b) Modifications to facilitate etc |
09169 |
C |
19/02/2009 Thursday |
Ballyfarm Limited |
Great Connel Newbridge Co.Kildare |
new 2 storey offices to front of existing fabrication and plant repair workshop and assocaited site development works including landscaping and additonal car parking spacec (38 no). This application is identical to and a renewal of , the previous planning permission grantd which had now expired ( panning register reference no 03/679). |
1620 |
C |
14/01/2016 Thursday |
Ballyfarm Limited |
Greatconnell Newbridge Co. Kildare. |
(a) The demolition of an existing store building with an area of 484.0sqm; (b) The construction of a new stores building with an area of 436.6sqm, and an overall height of 9.266m. Accommodation to include: open storage area for general storage of building materials and spare parts, wc, welding rod store, paint store, office, tool store and PPE lock up; and (c) All associated site development works |
211780 |
C |
17/12/2021 Friday |
Murphy International Limited, |
Great Connell, Newbridge, Co. Kildare. |
works to the existing Murphy International Limited Headquarters to accommodate two new industrial buildings, comprising a Steel Fabrication building and a Pipe Ancillary building, and associated development and works. The Steel Fabrication Building of 2,495 sqm is 13.1 metres in height and accommodates a fabrication area of 2,229 sqm and a staff welfare area of 133 sqm at ground floor level, and an ancillary office of 133 sqm at first floor level. The Pipe Ancillary Building of 760 sqm is single storey and 9.3 metres in height, and will accommodate workshops. Solar photovoltaic panels are proposed on the roofs of both buildings. It is proposed to demolish 4 No. existing buildings including an Office (300sqm), Lean-to Warehouse (240 sqm), Warehouse (415 sqm), and a Storage Barn (112 sqm), and to demolish the existing boundary walls on Great Connell Road and on part of the existing access road. It is proposed to upgrade the existing access road to provide a 7.5 metre carriageway, 1.5 metre grass verge, 2 metre cycle lane, 2 metre footpaths, tree planting and a 2.5 metre boundary wall to the subject site, and to upgrade the boundary on Great Connell Road by removing the existing entrances and providing a 1.5 metre grass verge, 2 metre cycle lane, 2 metre foot path, tree planting and a 2.5 metre acoustic timber fence. It is proposed to provide 84 No. car parking spaces and 33 No. bike parking spaces, 3 No. signs of 5.2 sqm each are proposed; 1 No. on the southwest elevation of the Steel Fabrication Building, 1 No. on the northeast elevation of the Pipe Ancillary Building, and 1 No. on the northwest elevation of the Pipe Ancillary Building. The existing yard will be extended by 0.9 ha. These and all ancillary works including the regrading of an existing drainage ditch, all water infrastructure, internal roads, and landscaping are proposed on a site of 4.7 ha. |
24393 |
20/12/2024 Friday |
Murphy International Limited |
Great Connell Newbridge Co Kildare |
For the consolidation and extend the established and permitted industrial and related activities on the MIL headquarters and industrial site to accommodate immediate and medium-term business development and employment generation objectives, to rationalise the car parking on the overall site to enhance safety for employees and site operatives, to make more efficient use of the space available on site and to enhance operational efficiencies, and related environmental and public realm improvements at the MIL headquarters complex. The proposed extension and works compromise the following: (1) Extension of the established yard over an area of 1.67 ha to the south of the established yard area to accommodate: (a) the construction of a vehicle maintenance building and associated offices (1,459 sq.m GFA) incorporating solar PV panels at roof level (224 sq.m), and 8 no. external storage tanks; (b) the extension of permitted access spur road off the Newbridge Southern Outer Orbital Route (NSOOR) over a distance of 44.5 m (KCC Ref: 211780) to accommodate access to the extended yard area, and a new agricultural access on the eastern side of the proposed road extension; (c) the construction of a two storey security and access control building at the entrance to site (269 sq.m GFA) incorporating solar PV Panels at roof level (22 sq.m); (d) a materials and construction equipment storage area; (e) a construction site cabin and container maintenance and storage area; (f) a vehicle and equipment wash down bay; (g) a HGV fueling plinth and above ground fuel tanks; (h) surface water drainage infrastructure; (i) HGV and service vehicle parking (8 no. spaces), plant maintenance with EV charging points; and (j) all associated landscaping, and ancillary development and works. (2) The reconfiguration and consolidation of existing car parking on the wider site (constructed under Reg. Ref. 21/1780) into a single car park on the eastern boundary of the yard accommodating 150 car parking spaces, an increase of 20 no. car parking spaces over that previously permitted, and the use of the relocated car parking areas as yard area ancillary to the established use of the site. (3) The removal of a surface water attenuation swale constructed under Ref. Ref. 21/1780 and the incorporation of that attenuation volume into a related swale and a proposed new underground stormtech attenuation system. (4) The demolition of an established storage building of 178 sq.m. (5) Retention of an enclosed canopy (105 sq.m) over the steel roller feed on the southern elevation of the Steel Fabrication Building. (There is no change in the floor area of the building as permitted.) (6) Retention of the related footprint of the permitted Pipe Ancillary Building permitted under Reg. Ref. 21/1780, to a location 11.5m to the south of that permitted. (7) Retention of an enclosed canopy (80 sq.m) over the steel roller feed on the eastern elevation of the Pipe Fabrication Building, (There is no change in the floor area of the building as permitted.) (8) Construction of a sheltered walkway from the proposed car park to the established offices at a height of 2.4 m above ground level for a distance of 132 m. (9) The provision of an additional room to the existing ESB substation adjoining the existing steel and pipe fabrication building, and a new substation switchroom on the proposed yard extension area. (10) Additional bicycle parking structures to accommodate c.56 bicycles adjoining the existing office building. (11) Widening of the established northern access on the eastern boundary from 7 m to 12 m and relocation of the established southern access to a location 22.5m to the south of that permitted (Reg. Ref. 21/1780), and associated works to the footpath and bike lane. (12) Amendment of the permission granted under Kildare County Council Reg. Ref. 21/1780 to omit the cycleway, pedestrian path and acoustic barrier along a length of 14 m on the Greatconnell Road, and replacement with a 2 m wall along that length. (13) All associated development and works including internal circulation routes; surface water, water services and utilities infrastructure including site lighting landscaping and works |