Planning Application: 23513 (Kildare County Council )
File Number:
Application Type:
Planning Status:
Received Date:
Decision Due Date:
Validated Date:
Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested:
Further Info Received:
Withdrawn Date:
Extend Date:
Decision Type:
Decision Date:
Leave to Appeal:
Appeal Date:
Commenced Date:
Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Glenveagh Homes Ltd.,
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
Large-Scale Residential Development (LRD) at a site of c. 14.3 hectares. The application site is principally bounded by: Celbridge Road (R404) and Back Gate Lodge, Celbridge, Leixlip, Co. Kildare W23E0F6 to the west; the existing residential developments of Leixlip Park and Wogansfield to the north; the M4 Motorway to the south; and by agricultural lands to the east. The development will consist of the: (1) Construction of 237 No. residential units ranging in height from two-three storeys comprising 30 no. two-bedroom houses (c.86.8sq.m each), 124 no. three-bedroom houses (ranging in area from c.103sq.m to 114sq.m each), 13 No. four-bedroom houses (ranging from c. 151sq.m to 168sq.m) , 20 No. one-bedroom apartments (ranging in area from c.56.6sq.m each), 22 No. two-bedroom duplex apartments (ranging in area from c. 86.9sq.m to 89.0sq.m) and 22 No. three-bedroom duplex apartments (ranging in area from c.127sq.m to 139sq.m each); (2) Construction of a two storey creche (c.278sq.m in area) with associated external play area (c.85.8sq.m. in area); (3) Provision of public open space (totalling c.7.71 ha of which c.5.61 ha comprises strategic amenity space), communal open space (serving the duplex apartments) (c. 570sq.m), and private open space (in the form of private garden areas serving the houses and terraces/balconies serving the apartments/duplexes); and (4) Provision of vehicular, cyclist and pedestrian access/egress and associated circulation routes (including the construction of a fourth arm to the existing three arm junction on the Celbridge Road (R404) opposite the entrance to the existing Barnhall Meadows residential development and pedestrian and cyclist access to the north-east of the site providing access to the existing residential development known as Leixlip Park). The development will also consist of: (5) 303 No. car parking spaces (including 31 No. car parking spaces for visitors and 12 No. car parking spaces serving the proposed créche): (6) Electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure; (7) 355 No. bicycle parking spaces (including 17 No. bicycle parking spaces serving the proposed créche and 160 No. bicycle parking spaces serving the proposed strategic amenity/public open space); (8) Bicycle storage; (9) Bin storage; (10) 3 No. ESB substations; (11) Undergrounding and diversion of the existing 20kV and 38kV overhead power lines; (12) Equipped play areas; (13) Photovoltaic roof panels; (14) Boundary treatments (including gates, piers, railings, walls and openings to the former demesne wall); (15) Provision of lighting; (16) All hard and soft landscaping; (17) Provision of Sustainable Urban Drainage systems (SuDs); and (18) All other associated site excavation, infrastructural and site development works above and below ground, changes in level (including the relocation of artificially raised ground from construction of the M4 to create an enlarged berm to the southern boundary of the site bounding the M4 Motorway) and associated retaining features, and associated site servicing (foul and surface water drainage and water supply). An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development and submitted with this LRD application
Development Address:
Leixlip Demesne, Leixlip, Co. Kildare
Architect Name:
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Oisín Boland
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
Large-Scale Residential Development (LRD) at a site of c. 14.3 hectares. The application site is principally bounded by: Celbridge Road (R404) and Back Gate Lodge, Celbridge Road, Leixlip, Co. Kildare W23E0F6 to the west; the existing residential developments of Leixlip Park and Wogansfield to the north; the M4 Motorway to the south; and by agricultural lands to the east. The development will consist of the:
(1) Construction of 237 No. residential units ranging in height from two-three storeys comprising 30 no. two-bedroom houses (c.86.8sq.m each), 124 no. three-bedroom houses (ranging in area from c.103sq.m to 114sq.m each), 13 No. four-bedroom houses (ranging from c. 151sq.m to 168sq.m) , 20 No. one-bedroom apartments (ranging in area from c.56.6sq.m to 62.5sq.m each), 6 No. two-bedroom apartments (c. 86.9sq.m each), 22 No. two-bedroom duplex apartments (ranging in area from c. 86.9sq.m to 89.0sq.m) and 22 No. three-bedroom duplex apartments (ranging in area from c.127sq.m to 139sq.m each);
(2) Construction of a two storey creche (c.278sq.m in area) with associated external play area (c.85.8sq.m. in area);
(3) Provision of public open space (totalling c.7.71 ha of which c.5.61 ha comprises strategic amenity space), communal open space (serving the duplex apartments) (c. 570sq.m), and private open space (in the form of private garden areas serving the houses and terraces/balconies serving the apartments/duplexes); and (4) Provision of vehicular, cyclist and pedestrian access/egress and associated circulation routes (including the construction of a fourth arm to the existing three arm junction on the Celbridge Road (R404) opposite the entrance to the existing Barnhall Meadows residential development and pedestrian and cyclist access to the north-east of the site providing access to the existing residential development known as Leixlip Park). The development will also consist of: (5) 303 No. car parking spaces (including 31 No. car parking spaces for visitors and 12 No. car parking spaces serving the proposed créche): (6) Electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure; (7) 355 No. bicycle parking spaces (including 17 No. bicycle parking spaces serving the proposed créche and 160 No. bicycle parking spaces serving the proposed strategic amenity/public open space); (8) Bicycle storage; (9) Bin storage; (10) 3 No. ESB substations; (11) Undergrounding and diversion of the existing 20kV and 38kV overhead power lines; (12) Equipped play areas; (13) Photovoltaic roof panels; (14) Boundary treatments (including gates, piers, railings, walls and openings to the former demesne wall); (15) Provision of lighting; (16) All hard and soft landscaping; (17) Provision of Sustainable Urban Drainage systems (SuDs); and (18) All other associated site excavation, infrastructural and site development works above and below ground, changes in level (including the relocation of artificially raised ground from construction of the M4 to create an enlarged berm to the southern boundary of the site bounding the M4 Motorway) and associated retaining features, and associated site servicing (foul and surface water drainage and water supply). An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development and submitted with this LRD application