File No |
Staus |
Type |
Decision |
Received Date |
Name |
Development Address |
Description |
051517 |
C |
01/07/2005 Friday |
Tesco Ireland Ltd |
Monread Road Naas Co. Kildare |
construction of a district shopping centre comprising: part of a Tesco anchor store (totalling 2080m2 gross); 2no. retail mall units (totalling 250m2 gross);cafe (410m2) 10 carparking spaces; signage; access road; recyeling bring centre etc |
05500095 |
C |
01/07/2005 Friday |
Tesco Ireland Ltd. |
Monread Road, Naas, Co. Kildare |
Permission for development upon which an existing grant of permission for a District Centre exists (Reg Ref PL09.130881 & PL73.130879). Dev will consist of the constructon of a district shopping centre, etc... |
08500112 |
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07/08/2008 Thursday |
Tesco Ireland Ltd |
Monread Road Naas Co Kildare |
Planning Permission sought for development which will consist of landscaping works to include the following: extension of existing railing, hedgegrow along existing railing to provide etc |
09505 |
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01/05/2009 Friday |
Tesco Ireland Ltd |
Monread Road Naas Co.Kildare |
upon which and existing grant of permission for a District Centre existing, granted in May 2008, (Planning reference 05/1517 (kildare Co Co) and 05/500095(Naas T.C). The development will consist of the construction of a district shopping centre with a total Gross floor area of 16,445sq.m (previously permitted GFA 18,690sq.m) The proposed development within the administative boundary of Kildare County Council totals 13,618sq.m gross floor area of the distruct shopping centre comprising: part of anchor store, totalling 8,107sq.m gross, (permitted part anchor store 8,262sq.m) 15 no retail mall units totalling 4,133sq.m gross (prevoiusly permitted GFA for retail units 3,484sq.m): etc.. |
09500029 |
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01/05/2009 Friday |
Tesco Ireland Ltd |
Monread Road Naas Co Kildare |
Permission for development on lands on Monread Road, Naas, Co Kildare upon which an existing grant of permission for a District Centre exists, granted in May 2008 (Planning Reference 05/1517 (Kildare Co. Co) and 05/500095 (Naas T.C.). The development will consist of the construction of a district shopping centre with a total Gross Floor area of 16,445sq.m (Previously permitted GFA 18,690sq.m). The proposed development within the administrative boundary of Naas town Council totals 2,827sq.m gross floor area of the district shopping centre comprising: part of anchor store, totalling 2,122sq.m gross, (permitted part anchor store, 2,080sq.m, 1 no. retail mall unit (111 sq.m gross), etc |
10277 |
C |
22/03/2010 Monday |
Precision Construction Ltd |
Monread Road Naas Co. Kildare |
Part of the proposed second phase of the approved development is located within the administrative boundary of Kildare County Council and comprises an office and units D-O and forms part of a separate simultaneous application for the phased construction on lands within the administrative boundary of Naas Town Council which comprises a management suite community room and units P and Q. |
10432 |
C |
30/04/2010 Friday |
Precision Construction Ltd |
Monread Road Naas Co. Kildare |
The proposed modification include reducing the width of the mall to 9m and enclosing it with 2no. lobbies at either side with provision for 4 small internal retail kiosks, removal of internal anchor store glazed wall at ground floor and replacement with pillars fronting the mall, the sub- division and changes to previously approved retail units D-O, new security room and relocated management suite on ground floor, full mezzanine retail floor in units A & B, glazing at first floor level in units A, B & C, 4.2m high canopy to the front of units A,B & C, extended canopy and architectural columns at previously approved units F, E, D, H, & J. Permission is also sought for the omission of condition no. 14.The proposed development is located within the administrative boundary of Kildare County Council and forms part of a separate application for modification on lands within the administrative boundary of Naas Town Council which includes the sub- division and changes to previously approved retail unit P and amendments to approved café unit U and amendments to office space on second floor to include relocated management suite |
101265 |
C |
17/12/2010 Friday |
Tesco Ireland Ltd., |
Monread Road, Naas, Co. Kildare. |
for a 1.6m x 8.6m (14m2) ‘Tesco Extra’ aluminium sign located on the west elevation 6.2m above ground level, 20m from the west site boundary and 50m from the northern site boundary of the Monread Shopping Centre |
101283 |
C |
22/12/2010 Wednesday |
Phillips Property, |
Monread Shopping Centre, Monread Road, Naas, |
for amendments to approved signage on the east elevation of Unit C of the Monread Shopping Centre (KCC Ref: 09/505 and NTC Ref: 09/500029). It is proposed to replace the 0.8m x 9.6m permitted signage area with three individual signage areas of 1.2m x 7m to serve each of the three units A-C of the Monread Shopping Centre on lands at |
10500014 |
C |
22/03/2010 Monday |
Precision Construction Ltd |
Monread Road Naas Co Kildare |
Permission for modifications to planning condition no. 7 attached to the approved development (Planning Reference 09/505 (Kildare Co. Co.) and 09/500029 (Naas T.C) to allow for the development to be constructed in two separate phases. The site is located on lands at Monread Road, Naas, Co Kildare. Part of the proposed second phase of the approved development is located within the administrative boundary of Naas Town Council and comprises management suite, community room and unit P and Q and forms part of a separate simultaneous application for the phased construction on lands within the administrative boundary of Kildare County Council which comprises and office and units D - O. |
10500022 |
C |
30/04/2010 Friday |
Precision Construction Ltd. |
Monread Road Naas Co Kildare |
Permission for modifications to the approved development (Planning Reference 09/505 (Kildare Co. Co). and 09/500029 (Naas T.C). The site is located on lands at Monread Road, Naas, Co Kildare. The proposed modifications include the sub-division and changes to previously approved retail unit P and amendments to approved cafe and unit U and amendments to office space on second floor to include relocated management suite. Permission is also sought for the omission of conditon 14. The proposed development is located within the administrative boundary of Naas Town Council and forms part of a separate application for modifications on lands within the administrative boundary of Naas Town Council and forms part of a separate application for modifications on lands within the administrative boundary of Kildare County Council which includes reducing the width of the mall to 9m and enclosing it with 2no. lobbies at either side with provision for 4 small internal retail kiosks, removal of internal anchor store glazed wall at ground floor and replacement with pillars fronting the mall, the sub-division and changes to previously approved retail units D - O, new security room and relocated management suite on ground floor, full mezzanine retail floor in units A & B, glazing at first floor level in units A, B & C, 4.2m high canopy to the front of units A, B & C, and extended canopy and architectural columns at previously approved units F, E D, H & J. |
10500033 |
R |
16/07/2010 Friday |
Tesco Ireland Ltd. |
Monread Road Naas Co Kildare |
Permission for a 7.1m high three-sided internally illuminated totem sign adjacent to the main entrance to the approved district centre (NTC Ref: 09/500029 & KCC Ref: 09/505) on lands at Monread Road, Naas, Co Kildare. |
11190 |
C |
25/02/2011 Friday |
Phillips Property, |
Monread Shopping Centre, Monread Road, Naas, |
to subdivide Unit R into two separate units, the reduction in size of Unit S to
accommodate storage space for Unit T of the part constructed Monread District Shopping Centre (Planning Reference 09/505 and modified through 10/432). The proposed development is located within the administrative boundary of Kildare County Council and forms part of a separate application on lands within the administrative boundary of Naas Town Council which includes extension of Unit T to provide storage space and permission to sell alcohol within Unit T of the part constructed Monread District Shopping Centre (Planning Reference 09/500029 and modified through 10/500022)
11191 |
R |
25/02/2011 Friday |
Phillips Property, |
Monread Shopping Centre, Monread Road, Naas, |
to retain existing signage for a period of 9 months at the north-east corner of lands |
11314 |
C |
01/04/2011 Friday |
Phillips Property |
Monread District Shopping Centre Monread Road Naas |
for three bus stop style advertising signs in front of units A-C of 2.75m x 0.6m in size (front and back), and three advertising signs (1.3m x 3.6m respectively) above the entrance doors of the existing units A-C on lands at Monread District Shopping Centre, Monread Road, Naas, Co. Kildare. The signs will advertise the future occupants of the three units |
11555 |
C |
31/05/2011 Tuesday |
Phillips Property |
Manread District Shopping Centre Monread Road Naas |
for the change of use of 85sqm of bulk storage (permitted in planning permission ref: 09/505) to retail service area to the rear of the Tesco Supermarket |
11788 |
C |
02/08/2011 Tuesday |
Phillips Property, |
Monread Shopping Centre, Monread Road, Naas, |
Subdivision of Unit Q of the Monread District Shopping Centre into two units and the removal of condition No. 21(a) of parent permission (Reg. Ref. 09/505) and condition No. 7 of modified permission (Reg. Ref. 10/432) which requires a planning application for all additional signage proposals |
11818 |
C |
11/08/2011 Thursday |
Phillips Property, |
Monread Shopping Centre, Monread Road, Naas, |
Change of use of 76 sq m of bulk storage (permitted in planning permission ref: 09/505) to retail service area to the rear of the Tesco supermarket |
111114 |
C |
18/11/2011 Friday |
Phillips Property Ltd., |
The Monread Shopping Centre, Monread Road, Naas, |
The internal reconfiguration of the second floor including the change of use of the permitted community room (Ref: 09/505 and amended in 10/432) to a salt therapy spa with ancillary retail use. The proposed development is located within the administrative boundary of Kildare County Council and forms part of a separate application on lands within the administrative boundary of Naas Town Council which applies for full planning permission for the internal reconfiguration and the change of use of the permitted community room (Ref: 09/500029 and amended in 10/500022) to a salt therapy spa with ancillary retail use on the second floor |
11500074 |
C |
07/11/2011 Monday |
MBCC Foods (Ireland) Ltd. |
21 Monread Shopping Centre Naas Co Kildare |
Permission sought for retention of 3 No. shop front signs which comprise of built up illuminated letters fitted to folded aluminium fascia finished gloss red with white lettering at high level to outer face of window all with Costa Coffee branding. All at Units 21 of Monaread Shopping Centre, Naas, Co Kildare. |
11500081 |
C |
18/11/2011 Friday |
Phillips Property Ltd |
Monread District Shopping Centre Naas Co Kildare |
Full Planning Permission for the internal reconfiguration and the change of use of the permitted community room (Ref: 09/500029 and amended in 10/500022) to a salt therapy spa with ancillary retail use at the second floor of the Monread District Shopping Centre. The proposed development is located within the administrative boundary of Naas Town Council and forms part of a separate application on lands wtihin the administrative boundary of Kildare County Council which applies for full planning permission for the internal reconfiguration of the second floor including the change of use of the permitted community room (Ref: 09/505 & amended in 10/432) to a salt therapy spa with ancillary retail use at the Monread District Shopping Centre. |
12714 |
R |
31/08/2012 Friday |
YW Facilities Management (t/a Pitman Training Naas) |
The Monread Shopping Centre Monread Road Naas |
For change of use from the permitted community room and office (Permitted in reg. ref. 09/505 & amended in 10/432)to higher education and training centre on the second floor of the Monread District Shopping Centre, Monread Road, Naas. The proposed development is located within the administrative boundary of Kildare County Council and forms part of a separate application on lands within the administrative boundary of Naas Town council which also applies for full planning permission for the change of use from the permitted community room and office (Ref. 09/500029 and amended in 10/500022) to higher education and training centre on the second floor of the Monread District Shopping Centre |
12861 |
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30/10/2012 Tuesday |
Melia & Company Ltd |
Unit 6 Monread Shopping Centre Naas Co. Kildare |
The development consists of a 53.6m2 mezzanine extension to previously approved application ( Planning Register Reference 12/11). The proposed mezzanine will provide ancillary storage, staff and office accommodation to the ground floor use. |
12500013 |
C |
16/02/2012 Thursday |
Brendan O'Brien |
Unit 20 Monread Shopping Centre Naas Co. Kildare |
Proposed erection of 1 no. shop front sign comprising of built up illuminated letters fitted to folded aluminium fascia, finished in green with white lettering at high level to outer face of window all with O'Briens wines branding |
12500062 |
R |
31/08/2012 Friday |
Y W Facilites Management (t/a) Pitman Training Naas) |
The Monread Shopping Centre Monread Road Naas |
for change of use from the permitted community room and office (permitted in Reg. Ref. 09/500029 and amended in 10/500022) internal reconfiguration and the change of use of the permitted community room (Ref; 09/500029 and amended in 10/500022)to higher education and training centre on the second floor of the Monread District Shopping Centre, Monread Road, Naas. The proposed development is located within the administrative boundary of Naas Town Council and forms part of a separate application on lands within the administrative boundary of Kildare County Council which also applies for the change of use from the permitted community room and office ( Reg. Ref; 09/505 & amended in 10/432) to higher education and training centre on the second floor of the Monread District Shopping Centre |
14994 |
C |
18/11/2014 Tuesday |
Eugene Grehan, |
Carousel Gifts Unit 7, Monread Shopping Centre Naas |
to add a 34.4sqm mezzanine floor to my existing shop unit for storage use only, and all associated and ancillary works, all |
19519 |
C |
10/05/2019 Friday |
Tesco Ireland Limited. |
Tesco Monread Shopping Centre, Monread Road, Naas, |
Alterations to a c.320 sq.m area of the Tesco unit comprising an existing café area (c.107 sq. m GFA) and ancillary circulation areas (c.213sq.m). These alterations include (1) the change of use of c.148 sq.m of circulation space to café use to provide a new extended café of c. 255 sq.m gross floor area; (2) the reorganization of the remaining c.65 sq.m circulation space including the relocation of the ATM and trolly lockers; (3) the provision of two no. new entrances to access existing customer toilets, one from the new café unit and one from the existing Tesco supermarket unit as well as the closure of one no. existing access door in the café; (4) all ancillary site services and site development works |
19520 |
C |
10/05/2019 Friday |
Tesco Ireland Ltd. |
Tesco Monread Shopping Centre, Monread Road, Naas, |
The subdivision of part of the existing Tesco supermarket unit at ground floor level to provide a new retail / retail services unit ( c.161 sq.m ) including minor changes to the southern elevation as well as all ancillary site services and site development works |
191254 |
C |
08/11/2019 Friday |
Tesco, Monread Shopping Centre, Monread Road, Naas, |
alterations to a c. 425sqm area of the Tesco unit comprising an existing café area and associated kitchen/servery (c. 202sqm GFA), sales area and ancillary circulation area (c. 206sqm). These alterations include (i) the change of use of c. 206sqm of sales area and ancillary circulation area to café use to provide a new extended café of c. 396sqm gross floor area; (ii) minor alterations to the existing Tesco sales floor and extended café to provide new access points to existing customer toilets; (iii) replacement signage and (iv) all ancillary site services and site development works |
21519 |
C |
20/04/2021 Tuesday |
Jeremiah O'Brien |
Burtown Big, Athy Co..Kildare |
Retention of a single storey extension to the side of existing single storey dwelling |
21829 |
R |
08/06/2021 Tuesday |
Tesco Ireland Limited, |
Unit 18B, Monread Shopping Centre, Monread Road, Naas, |
a change of use of the existing retail premises to accommodate a dental surgery at ground floor level (113sq.m). The proposal also includes the removal of internal partition walls, amendments and reconfiguration to the internal layout, the provision of staff facilities, signage, connection to existing services and all site and ancillary development works. All at a 0.0113 ha site |
221026 |
C |
22/08/2022 Monday |
Monread Shopping Centre, Monread Road, Naas, |
to erect 1,490.00m2 or 500.90kWp of photovoltaic panels on the roof of the existing building in Monread Shopping Centre, with all associated sites works at Tesco Ireland Ltd |