Planning Application: 22221052 (Kildare County Council )
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Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Garyaron Homes Limited,
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
LARGE-SCALE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: 5 year planning permission for a Large Scale Residential (LRD) Development scheme on lands at Glencarrig House, Simmonstown, Celbridge, Co. Kildare W23 Y9PY, on a site of approximately 2.1 ha. The proposed development will consist of: (a) The demolition (total area approx. 800 sqm) of the existing buildings, including a habitable dwelling on site, and the existing front boundary treatment; and (b) The construction of a new residential and creche scheme of 137 No. units in a mixture of houses and apartments units ranging from 2 to 5 storeys in height as follows: Block A (3-5 storey apartment block) comprising 39 No apartments (19 No. 1 bed and 20 No. 2 bed units); Block B (4-5 storey apartment block) comprising 51 No. apartments (24 No. 1 bed and 27 No. 2 bed units); Block C (3-4 storey apartment block) comprising 25 No. apartments (11 No. 1 bed and 14 No. 2 bed units); Houses (2-3 storeys) comprising 22 No. house units (5 No. 4-bed semi-detached, 4 No. 3-bed semi-detached, 4 No. 3-bed terraced and 9 No. 3-bed end of terrace). A separate building will accommodate a Childcare Facility/Crèche of approx. 248 sqm with outdoor play area of 460 sqm. Bike Store building (86 sqm) and Plant Room/ESB Sub-station building (66.9 sqm). Each residential unit will be afforded with private open space in the form of a balcony or terrace in the case of the apartment units and a rear garden in the case of the housing units. Public open space is proposed in the form of play areas, outdoor seating and planting and pedestrian and cyclist links (approx. 4,380 sqm). A total of 129 No. car parking spaces are provided at surface level, including 7 No. accessible spaces: 80 No. bicycle spaces (for Visitors and Residents, in bike stands) together with 124 No. Secure bicycle spaces within 5 No. Bike stores. The development shall be served via a new vehicular access point from the L5062. Upgrade works are proposed to the vehicular access point from the R405 onto the L5062 to facilitate the proposed development and to provide for improved access and egress for the overall development. New pedestrian and cyclist access points will be provided on to the R405 from the site. The associated site and infrastructural works include provision for water services; foul and surface water drainage and connections; attenuation proposals; permeable paving; all landscaping works; boundary treatment; internal roads and footpaths; waste storage
LARGE-SCALE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: 5 year planning permission for a Large Scale Residential (LRD) Development scheme on lands at Glencarrig House, Simmonstown, Celbridge, Co. Kildare W23 Y9PY, on a site of approximately 2.1 ha. The proposed development will consist of: (a) The demolition (total area approx. 800 sqm) of the existing buildings, including a habitable dwelling on site, and the existing front boundary treatment; and (b) The construction of a new residential and creche scheme of 137 No. units in a mixture of houses and apartments units ranging from 2 to 5 storeys in height as follows: Block A (3-5 storey apartment block) comprising 39 No apartments (19 No. 1 bed and 20 No. 2 bed units); Block B (4-5 storey apartment block) comprising 51 No. apartments (24 No. 1 bed and 27 No. 2 bed units); Block C (3-4 storey apartment block) comprising 25 No. apartments (11 No. 1 bed and 14 No. 2 bed units); Houses (2-3 storeys) comprising 22 No. house units (5 No. 4-bed semi-detached, 4 No. 3-bed semi-detached, 4 No. 3-bed terraced and 9 No. 3-bed end of terrace). A separate building will accommodate a Childcare Facility/Crèche of approx. 248 sqm with outdoor play area of 460 sqm. Bike Store building (86 sqm) and Plant Room/ESB Sub-station building (66.9 sqm). Each residential unit will be afforded with private open space in the form of a balcony or terrace in the case of the apartment units and a rear garden in the case of the housing units. Public open space is proposed in the form of play areas, outdoor seating and planting and pedestrian and cyclist links (approx. 4,380 sqm). A total of 129 No. car parking spaces are provided at surface level, including 7 No. accessible spaces: 80 No. bicycle spaces (for Visitors and Residents, in bike stands) together with 124 No. Secure bicycle spaces within 5 No. Bike stores. The development shall be served via a new vehicular access point from the L5062. Upgrade works are proposed to the vehicular access point from the R405 onto the L5062 to facilitate the proposed development and to provide for improved access and egress for the overall development. New pedestrian and cyclist access points will be provided on to the R405 from the site. The associated site and infrastructural works include provision for water services; foul and surface water drainage and connections; attenuation proposals; permeable paving; all landscaping works; boundary treatment; internal roads and footpaths; waste storage